Wednesday, August 26, 2020
LITERATURE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Writing - Essay Example Marduk is our next legend from Enuma Elish: The Babylonian Creation Epic. Marduk was conceived in Apsu, the district of new water underneath the outside of the earth. Ea, one of the divine beings made him and Damkina, his darling bore him. He nursed the nipples of goddesses; he was amazing from the beginning. At the point when Anu, his father’s begetter viewed him, he celebrated. He made his grandson so impeccable that his godhead was multiplied. For were his eyes, four were his ears. At the point when his lips moved, fire bursted forward. His four ears were tremendous and in like manner, they eyes. They saw everything. Most elevated among the divine beings, his structure was extraordinary. His appendages were long, his stature extraordinary. Our third legend is Jesus †God made man in The God of Job. In a strange way, he is accepted to b e entire god and entire man. His mom, the Blessed Virgin Mary, considered him through the intensity of the Holy Spirit of God the Father Almighty. This happened to satisfy what the Lord had said through the prophet: â€Å"The Virgin will be pregnant and conceive an offspring through a child and they will call him Emmanuel†, a name which implies â€Å"God is with us†We can see at this point our three legends of the Creation are on the whole divine beings. Be that as it may, where as Jesus (Emanuel) is depicted as being caring and merciful to his kin, Marduk exploited his own, and the men of Uruk got on edge. The sensational activity and exchange of the Babylonian Creation Epic can be contrasted with epic composition from the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Homeric stories, which treat human clashes against a foundation of perfect brutality. The presentation of Enkidu into the epic of Gilgamesh was to tame Gilgamesh, who, aware of his own capacity, was exploiting the individuals of Uruk. The valiant Enkidu, a human partner of Gilgamesh himself, filled in as an a registration â€balance so that,
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Poverty and Education
Destitution and Education Free Online Research Papers A little fellow gets up in the first part of the day still hungry from the prior night. There wasn’t any food in the house since Daddy has been jobless for close to 12 months and they don’t have cash to purchase the fundamental needs. A couple of days prior he saw outsiders coming into the house and taking the furniture since Mom and Dad couldn’t pay the parity on a credit. He gets dressed for school by getting into garments that are two sizes too huge for him. Today is PE and he should have exercise center shoes however the main shoes he has are larger than usual â€Å"clod hopper†boots Mom got some place for nothing. He realizes he will be prodded by his schoolmates for his dress and criticized by his PE educator for his boots. He is trusting there is probably some cornmeal to make mush for breakfast since he is extremely ravenous. There isn’t. He needs language instruction since he falters so gravely once in a while his folks can't get him. Inst ructors get baffled with his discourse and disregard his inquiries. Where is the cash to originated from? Mother and Dad can’t purchase enough nourishment for him and the other five kids significantly less extravagances, for example, specialists, dental specialists and language instructors. He goes to class hungry, feet harming, and fearing connection with his classmates and instructors. He just goes to class since he is constrained. The feature of his day is lunch since he is a break room specialist and his lunch is free. This is a genuine situation that is rehashed each and regularly the country over. Families and people so saturated with destitution they don’t have a spot to live, food to eat or garments to wear. As indicated by Maslow’s progressive system of necessities instruction assumes a lower priority in meeting the fundamental endurance needs of food, asylum and security. (Boeree, 2006). These are not by any means the only issues related with low financial status (SES) that influence a child’s learning capacities. Low SES affects a child’s training from the time he/she is imagined all through his/her life. Low SES families don't approach adequate human services in this way a mother won't get legitimate pre-birth care. Low SES youngsters experience the ill effects of different infections and ailment, for example, uncorrected vision, hearing issues, and different diseases, all which upset intellectual turn of events (Slavin, 2006). Low SES families need assets to help or strengthen a child’s instruction. They don’t go on get-aways, visit galleries or different exercises that help center and high society families set up their youngsters for or strengthen what they realize. Many low SES families are from various ethnic foundations whose guardians don't communicate in English. Additionally low SES guardians have low instructive desires for thei r kids and don't or don't have the foggiest idea how to grant their kids for scholarly accomplishment. A lot of practices likewise go with low SES that plagues instruction. As a kid advances through school he falls further behind in scholastic accomplishment. As this happens he/she gets disappointed and inevitably abandons learning. Participation turns into an issue. Truancy prompts misconduct which prompts a heap of different issues, for example, medication and liquor misuse, and adolescent pregnancy. On the off chance that they come to class they come ill-equipped as well as reluctant to learn. Be that as it may, as I would like to think, the greatest obstacle to instructing in danger kids is the instructor. Numerous instructors have assumptions about low SES kids and prejudge them dependent on those thoughts. Commonly they center around the student’s unwanted conduct and not on approaches to enable the understudy to learn. Some settle for the status quo and modify their educational plan to an extraordinary moderate pace that keeps the understudy everlastingly behind. A few educators rebate or decline to recognize low SES issues in their understudies and make no alterations to support these understudies (Young). With the curveballs and sliders life tosses at these low SES understudies, how might we assist them with succeeding in accomplishing instruction as well as throughout everyday life? Most importantly instructors must defeat there own partialities and stop victimization low SES understudies. That requires extraordinary assurance and now and again Herculean exertion on the teacher’s part. In the event that an understudy sees any kind of oppressive conduct from the educator he/she will won't learn. The expression â€Å"the instructor detests me†turns into a reality and hindrances are hurled in guard. What a waste! Instructors must cultivate a sheltered and secure study hall condition. Prodding and disparagement must not be permitted. An understudy should have a sense of security to raise his/her hand to respond to and pose inquiries unafraid of criticism from different understudies or the instructor. More than likely they get such at home. Toward the start of the year instructors need to tell understudies what the standards are in the homeroom. The standards ought to be clear, compact, pertinent and ought not be unnecessary (Slavin, 2006). The standards ought to be joined by reliable reinforcers. At the absolute starting point of the year understudies need to comprehend what the measures are for the class. These measures ought to be high however feasible. Educators must not bring down the guidelines for an individual yet should work to guarantee the individual satisfies the guidelines. This may require the educator to change his/her showing techniques or even the educational plan yet never bring down the guidelines. To guarantee achievement the educator must take the time and become familiar with every single understudy in the class. As the instructor gets familiar with the understudies the educator finds what persuades the understudy to get occupied with learning. A large portion of the clash of an instructor is figuring out how to spur understudies to learn. Some portion of the student’s inspiration is reliant on his/her SES. Instructors ought to stay aware of this reality as they continued looking for inspiration factors and create techniques to connect with the understudy in learning. An exceptionally powerful method of inspiring understudies is the Pygmalion impact (Tauber, 1998). An instructor who depicts a conviction that an understudy can achieve exclusive expectations brings about a similar faith in the understudy. The conviction becomes self-prophetic and the understudy will fulfill guidelines. Instructors must be adaptable in their educating methodologies. Training procedures may incorporate productive methods, agreeable or community oriented instructing. For certain people, additional time in a one-on-one circumstance might be important for the understudy to learn. As understudies learn and satisfy guidelines criticism and support are important to keep up homeroom accomplishment and progress. My experience has been that multiple occasions acclaim in the study hall is the main commendation an understudy gets. This also is an incredible inspiration for some understudies. To enable an understudy to learn it might be vital for the instructor to arrange with different offices in the school or offices in the network. In the event that an understudy has a low understanding capacity, at that point coordination with the custom curriculum division is important to facilitate methodologies to support the understudy. On the off chance that the network has a few after school programs the educator can urge the understudy to take an interest in those projects. On the off chance that need be, the instructor ought to go to the principal meeting to help alleviate the student’s uneasiness. The same number of instruments as instructors need to assist them with encouraging they can't do only it. Guardians/Guardians must get engaged with the learning procedure. Educators can include guardians through parent/instructor gatherings, welcoming guardians into their study hall and calls home. Most guardians get calls from educators just when their kid makes trouble however a call enlightening the parent concerning their child’s achievement is an incredible reinforcer and receives unmistakably more rewards. Networks need to get included. Older siblings and Big Sisters is an incredible network association that gives coaching to in danger kids. Instructors can urge understudies to take an interest in the neighborhood summer understanding system and the open library. This will likewise help forestall the â€Å"summer slide†experienced by low SES understudies (Slavin, 2006). Neediness is an endless loop without benevolence. As instructors we can impact and change lives. Instructors can't spare every one of their understudies and numerous educators become disheartened. Be that as it may, on the off chance that they can enable one individual to break the cycle, at that point they have helped people in the future. I am one of those. The story in the principal passage is my story. I recognize what it resembles to be ravenous, to not know where the following dinner originates from, and to impart one room to 5 different kin on one bed. â€Å"At-risk†was not in a teacher’s jargon in those days; you were â€Å"slow†, â€Å"stupid†, or â€Å"retarded†. My stammering is practically wiped out now due to a Sunday School instructor who considered open talking in school. I was twelve years of age when I was in her Sunday School class and she needed me to give a discussion. I advised her no. She made an arrangement with me, she would instruct me to give that discussion without stammering if I somehow managed to acknowledge the task. She was so persevering I couldn’t state no. She kept her statement thus did I. That equivalent year, while riding my bike, I found the open library and the Hardy Boys in that. Perusing opened an entirely different world to me and the library turned into my shelter. I will perpetually be thankful for every one of my educators, great and awful, for the awful shown me how not to be, in and out of the study hall. Boeree, C. (2006). Abraham Maslow. Recovered November 15, 2006, from Personality Theories Web webpage: Slavin, R. (2006). Instructive Psychology Theory and Practice (eighth ed.). Boston, Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon. Tauber, R. (1998). Fortunate or unfortunate, What Teachers Expect from Students They Generally Get. Recovered December 23, 2006, from Youthful, J. (n.d.). The Examination of
Friday, August 21, 2020
Vicodin Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline, & Treatment
Vicodin Withdrawal Symptoms, Timeline, & Treatment Addiction Drug Use Opioids Print How Long Does Withdrawal From Vicodin Last? By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 29, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on September 05, 2019 Tara Moore / Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Opioids Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery In This Article Table of Contents Expand Overview Signs & Symptoms Coping & Relief Warnings Long-Term Treatment View All Back To Top Vicodin is a prescription opioid pain reliever that is made of hydrocodone and acetaminophen. It is often used to treat moderate to severe pain, but it does have the potential for dependence and addiction. Vicodin withdrawal can produce a wide range of physical symptoms which can occur when someone stops or dramatically reduces their use of the drug after heavy or prolonged use. Overview Since it is an opiate-based drug, Vicodin withdrawal is similar to withdrawing from heroin, morphine, methadone, or codeine. Anyone can experience withdrawal symptoms if they have taken Vicodin over a period of time, usually several weeks or more. Although the symptoms vary by person, most people experience some withdrawal discomfort when they attempt to quit or cut down. Even patients who took Vicodin exactly as prescribed for pain while recovering from injury or surgery can experience withdrawal. When you quit taking Vicodin, you may experience feelings of irritability, anxiety, and mood swings. As your body withdraws from the drug, you may feel as if you have a cold or flu, with a stuffy or runny nose, fever, sweats, chills, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Hydrocodone, one of the main ingredients in Vicodin, is the most frequently prescribed opiate in the United States. What to Expect With Opioid Withdrawal Signs Symptoms When Vicodin is taken over a lengthy period of time, you can build up a tolerance to the medication. This means you have to take increasingly larger amounts to achieve the same effect. All drugs that are opiate-based can become habit-forming and cause physical dependence. Once you develop a Vicodin dependence, quitting or cutting back suddenly can cause withdrawal symptoms. This is because your body needs time to adjust and recover. Depending on how much and for how long you have been taking Vicodin, the withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to very severe. Many patients who used the medication only therapeutically and as prescribed, sometimes do not even realize they are experiencing withdrawals. They report they are having flu-like symptoms.?? Early withdrawal symptoms include: AgitationAnxietyMuscle achesIncreased tearingInsomniaRunny noseSweatingYawning Later symptoms of Vicodin withdrawal include: Abdominal crampingDiarrheaDilated pupilsGoosebumpsNausea and vomiting How Long Does Vicodin Withdrawal Last? The length of the withdrawal process and the severity of the symptoms will vary from individual to individual. Withdrawal symptoms usually begin six to 30 hours after the last use of the drug. Most people get through the most uncomfortable symptoms within a few days or a week.If you find that your symptoms last longer than a week, you should seek medical attention. How Long Does Vicodin Remain in Your System? Coping Relief While Vicodin withdrawal can be unpleasant, there are things you can do to help relieve many of your symptoms. Drink plenty of water. Because Vicodin withdrawal can cause vomiting and diarrhea, you need to make sure you are taking in plenty of fluids to help prevent dehydration.Stay busy. Make sure you have activities that will help you take your mind off of your symptoms. Stock up on reading materials, find some TV shows or movies that you want to watch, or break out the video games to try to keep occupied.Control symptoms with OTC medications. You can relieve some of the withdrawal symptoms such as fever and diarrhea with the use of over-the-counter medications such as NSAIDs and antidiarrheals. Always use the correct dose when taking OTC medications and talk to your doctor if you experience any unusual side effects.?? You should seek medical help if your withdrawal symptoms become severe or if you begin to show signs of severe dehydration such as sunken eyes, disorientation, rapid breathing, or extreme thirst. Warnings There are complications that can be dangerous. If you vomit and then breathe in stomach contents into the lungs, aspiration can occur, which can cause lung infection or choking.?? If you experience vomiting and diarrhea, they can cause dehydration as well as chemical and mineral disturbances in your body. The biggest danger from detoxing from Vicodin and other pain medication takes place when someone decides to start taking the drug again. The withdrawal process reduces your tolerance for the drug, so if you return to taking Vicodin at the level you previously took it, you have a high risk of overdose. Most Vicodin overdose deaths happen for people who have recently gone through detox and withdrawal. Overdose can occur even at a much smaller dose than previously taken. Dont try to quit using Vicodin on your own after heavy or prolonged use. Get someone to stay with you during the withdrawal to support you and watch out for you during the process. Even better, contact your healthcare providers and tell them you want to detox from Vicodin. They can recommend one of several regimens used to help with the detoxification process. This can include the use of clonidine to reduce anxiety, agitation, muscle aches, sweating, runny nose, and cramping. They can also provide you with other medications for vomiting and diarrhea to make the process less uncomfortable. If you find that you cannot quit using Vicodin in spite of all your efforts to stop, you may want to seek a professional treatment program to help you with your dependence. Understanding Opioid Overdoses Long-Term Treatment Many people who have quit using Vicodin find that they need long-term support or treatment following withdrawal to stay off the drug, which can include support groups, pharmaceutical treatment, outpatient counseling, or intensive outpatient and even inpatient treatment programs. Resources If you need help quitting Vicodin or another opiate-based drug, discuss your options with your doctor. There are resources available that can help you get through the process and find the support you need to overcome Vicodin misuse. Professional care from health providers can help ensure that your withdrawal symptoms are carefully monitored, but you can also go through this process at home. Let your doctor know that you will be withdrawing so that you can talk about any medications that may be helpful for treating possible side effects. Even if you withdraw at home, you should enlist the support and help of trusted loved ones, friends, or family. Make sure that someone checks in on you each day and dont be afraid to ask for help if you need it. You can also find emotional support and resources from support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous. You can also call the SAMHSA toll-free national hotline at 1-800-662-4357 or use their online treatment locator to find treatment resources and mental health professionals in your area. A Word From Verywell Self-care, emotional support, and professional assistance can help you successfully get through the Vicodin withdrawal process. Once you have stopped using Vicodin, one of the biggest challenges may come down the road if you experience an acute injury or chronic condition that requires the use of pain relievers. Be sure to talk to your doctor about your past Vicodin use so that you can determine if opiate-based medications are appropriate for your pain control needs.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
New Step by Step Roadmap for Cracking India Essay Topics
New Step by Step Roadmap for Cracking India Essay Topics If you take advantage of a question, utilize the problem-then-solution format. You will need to supply sample scenarios, and other details to drive your point home. So, the choice of the topic is very important. Try to remember the manner of the question you're answering and don't begin introducing new topics simply to pad out your answer. The Demise of Cracking India Essay Topics The true world is too complex to comprehend and describe completely. The description of the event might include the feeling of attending a specific birthday party. No matter the length of time you've had public speaking jobs, take some time and invest to construct your hot list. 1 thing I know is that the individual who markets first to the conference planner when they're prepared to hire will find the job. Such essays shall have a good deal of quotations, based just on facts and laws, and show no more than the true picture of the instanc e. Although the writer is simply describing the subject, there ought to still be logic to follow. In the majority of cases, you want to produce a topic that will enable other people to realize your viewpoint, and telling them to feel that what you write is true. The most important challenge in letter writing is you have to deal with your issues or convey your info in a few words. Students only have to locate their niche from the multitude of topics they can explore. Teachers play a critical role for imparting the wisdom and skills just to be certain the students success. The NCLEX basically focuses on testing the knowledge which you have acquired in nursing school, therefore it is quite unlikely you will locate a question you don't recognize. The Bad Secret of Cracking India Essay Topics Speech disorders refer to many conditions in which somebody has difficulty communicating by mouth. They are fairly easy to recognize by a layperson. The 7 Words System provides an easy in sightful routine that permits us to get a lot greater awareness of what precisely we're searching for. It offers a straightforward intuitive routine that makes it possible for us to access a greatly improved sense of what exactly we are looking for. Some selected domestic companies that are leading within the field of innovation and new technologies also have been invited. Competitiveness Traditional competitors in the business are another important source of worry. India is a huge country with second largest population and seventh biggest land area on earth. Who Else Wants to Learn About Cracking India Essay Topics? Some of us will think first that it's white in color or oblong fit. Seasoned speakers are aware that the introduction should arouse interest. The requirements of writers online have changed since the calendar year 2000, once I published my very first issue. You may always give more details as soon as your listener asks for more. Cracking India Essay Topics f or Dummies After you select the proper endeavor or prompt, it's simple to have students to organize their thoughts and place them on paper. Greatest research paper introduction could be written while the topic is of premium quality. Presenting The Research Paper Research papers should be presented well to make the correct impact. Essay plans can be useful in reminding you of important points that may be used to cover in your essay. The Study Problem must meet with the deadline selecting a topic that's compelling enough to sustain additional study is important. You would like your paper to be noticed, meaning you don't need to choose the simple topic and have your paper reflect exactly the same thing every one's paper does. Each of these varieties of paper is owned by the category of informative essay. The right format of a research paper could be opted by the students when they're writing on the topics which can easily be on the web also. Cracking India Essay Topics Options If you take a look at the life span of the majority of successful people within the world, a lot of them honed their skills in a standard basis, which eventually lead to their present status as successful individuals. There are cases which people have variations in regards to interpreting or giving meanings to words. Consider an instance of how you can better your speaking via an illustration of a single change in the manner in which you believe. Attempt to choose one which you truly feel strongly in favor of a single side AND one which is not overly popular.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Report on Innovation and Business Development
Questions: To successfully complete the business case document is required to undertake the following activities: 1. Identify for whom and/or for which organisation you will be writing the business case document. (For instance, you might be pitching to an investor or the management of a firm, such as the management team at a group member's current employer.) 2. Identify an innovation that your group believes could be reasonably discussed as the subject of the business case. The innovation you choose should have the potential to be developed sustainably over a commercially viable period of time. (It can be an innovation your team came up with yourselves or something you learned about by reading or watching TV, etc.) 3. Consider and evaluate the possible business models that could be used torealise the opportunities inherent in the innovation. Answers: Introduction Lend Lease Corporation Limited is an internationally acclaimed multinational company in the fields of infrastructure and property having its headquarter in Sydney, Australia. 1958 witnessed the starting of a new public properties organization that was named Lend Lease led by Dick Dusseldorp. The plan behind setting up Lend Lease was supposed to supply provident reserve of money for the civic business as well as the public. In the year 1961 Lend Lease got hold of public and civil and thus their journey started in the property and infrastructure market. During the end of the 20th century Lend Lease also began a fresh products beneath their title the solar panel being one of the many. Lend Lease not only kept on obtaining the government deals they even started working in the sector of health. But the organization got struck with the massive blow when it was forbidden from obtaining government contracts. But the truth is that still Lend Lease is judged one of the best important and by fa r the prominent group in the Australia till today which can never be neglected. Lend Leases main importance was to always target on the zones in the center and areas where the growth is continuous, and contains many of opportunities to grow. The organizations plan to work in every the continents had given the bonuses it anticipated. Lend Lease every time remembered that the state they are selecting must be right for their procedure of working and also give a push in the expansion of the company as well. The business areas which Lend Lease mostly functions are residential, trade, commercial, retirement, and also the industrial aspects. The organization always strikes out five-year planning to ensure and cogitate the present state of the company at that area and the strategies which they must have to extend its expansion. They mostly strikes out their plan after getting a thorough look at all the favorable conditions and harms which the market might present them. New Innovation at Barangaroo South In December of the year 2009 as representatives of New South Wales Government, Barangaroo Delivery Authority selected Lend Lease as the builder for Barangaroo South. Barangaroo South, a major waterfront development, aims at becoming the world-class sustainable neighborhood built on Sydney Harbor serving various sectors of human life such as commercial, residential, shopping, dining, and hospitality features(Ettlie and Ettlie, 2006). After the 2000 Olympics this is the citys largest urban proselytization project and it extends Sydneys Central Business District to its western harbor. Barangaroo South will be a participant in the Climate Positive Development Program C40. C40 sets out a framework that helps guide the journey of the project to achieve a total-carbon negative outcome in energy, waste reduction strategy and transportation strategy, encouraging developers in creating a revolutionary new model of purposeful sustainable development. As a member project in C40s Climate Positive Development Program, Barangaroo South pursue to plan for, measure and verify this positive environmental impact. When such parameters will be achieved, Barangaroo South will be the one and only carbon free developments of its magnitude in Australia(You, 2015). Strategies for Achieving Climate Positive Lend Lease has frame worked a sustainability strategy for Barangaroo South that targets to lower down energy and ejection through a multifaceted way to how the development will be done and climate positive outcome be achieved(Gagnon, 2016). This plan emphasizes on three areas: Respecting the resources Sustainable lifestyles Getting ready for the future. Strategies to be done to get the desired result after the completion of the project by 2020 are as follows: Carbon Reduction Strategy On reducing carbon the focus of the roadmap will be on the following three strategies: Avoid Through improved building designing, dynamic infrastructure, and starting education and observable initiatives(Min, 2015). Reduce Implementing low carbon on and both of the site and using energy sources which are renewable. Onsite generation of energy that is renewable(FuelCell Energy wins DOE funding to demo onsite regeneration, 2014). Research various options for co-generating as well as to tri-generate energy generation that is low carbon on-site. Mitigate To cover emissions on-site, investment or providing conditions for carbon offsets will be done which will also help for residual emissions such as from daily commuters. Carbon emissions belonging to staff commuting will be reducedby purchasing of carbon offsets through the neighborhood carbon community fund (Rosenthal and Watson, 2011). Installation of solar panel on-site of the massive 6,000 sq. m to counterpoise all energy needed for all of Barangaroos public spaces and the recycled water plant in the vicinity. Building Energy Reduction Strategy Energy reduction strategy of Barangaroo aims to lower the use of energy of buildings within the advancement, as 40% of total global greenhouse gas emissions are adjunct to buildings (INL High Performance Building Strategy, 2010). The following planning shall be incorporated into designing of buildings and operations: Vertical shading system To provide remarkable shading and reducing cooling methods through energy intensive methods this system situated on top of all the commercial fortresses pursue the suns path to lower solar gain. Central Chilled Water Plant The nearest harbor water will be cooled by this plant and it will be the largest of its kind in Australia(Yan, Qingchang and Ke, 2013). Achieving Green Star Standards The highest rated high-rise office buildings (6 stars) beneath the Green Star rating tool of the Australian Green Building Council will have their homes in Barangaroo. Along with it multi-unit buildings for residential purposes will target a rating of 5 star, within the highest as per the National Green Star standards (Bearg, 2009). Waste Reduction Strategy A combination of minimization of waste, segregation of source, resource recovery and waste treatment advancement technologies for achieving zero from reduction of untreated waste moving to landfills will be utilized in Barangaroo South. Minimization of waste Through education and programs for awareness and systems for information and maintaining sustainable consumption and minimization of waste can be achieved (Cheremisinoff, Rosenfeld and Davletshin, 2008). Source segregation Through methods like on-site facilities and maximizing resource recovery procedure segregation will be increased and improved. Technologies To achieve a net zero outcome of waste, analytical advanced recovery resource treatment options that must be delivered to various parts of the city (Cheremisinoff, Rosenfeld and Davletshin, 2008). Transportation Strategy The transportation strategy for Barangaroo Souths transportation strategy aims to total reduction of trips related to work to the site by car to approximately 4% by the end of 2018 to support hand in hand to achieve the net-carbon zero emissions initiative in association with travel to and from work. Nearly 25,000 workers, 1,300 residents, and 30,000 daily visitors will be inspired for using the green travel options through direct links to already existing bus networks and trains, along with the ferry as proposed and bus routes that are new, cycle ways, and bike facilities(Michelberger and Ndai, 2010). The persuasion of these goals through collaborations between Lend Lease and the Barangaroo Delivery Authority and other government agencies to achieve some of the following: Pedestrians To support major pedestrian access a devoted tunnel link and routes on surface will be done Rail With already existing rail services at Wynyard and the proposed Western Express City Relief Line. Integration will be done. Rail and Buses New services to Barangaroo South along with supporting infrastructure. Cycling Encouraging cycling in and to the site will be done by laying new bike paths and centralized facilities (Michelberger and Ndai, 2010). Ferries Into the geological formation of the development new ferry terminals will be integrated. SWOT Analysis SWOT Analysis is a very valuable process to determine the Strengths and Weaknesses of an organization, and for recognizing both the Opportunities the company has and the Threats it might counter (Fine, 2009). Strengths 1. Experience of more than 50 years. 2. Due to international tie-ups and various international penetration through various high end projects the organization has a strong global presence. 3. Portfolio of theassets are very well diversified. 4. Through acquisitions growth in both the public and private sector is still continuous, especially in Australia. 5. High financial stability and strong brand name and its presence almost throughout the world. 6. With the innovative ideas of Climate Positive Development Program C40 first in Australia at Barangaroo South they will achieve a mile stone in their working period (Fine, 2009). Weaknesses 1. Vulnerable too many neighborhood contenders which is an area of concern. 2. Asset values fluctuations and uncertainty are very high. 3. The controversies especially the AP-X Expansion controversy. Opportunities 1. The developing companies have a high retail growth which will serve as an opportunity for the organization. 2. The idea of growing green building construction has a high opportunity factor for the company. 3. Getting selected by the South Wales Government, Barangaroo Delivery Authority to develop the Barangaroo South is a very well opportunity to express the vastness and the next to perfect infrastructure of the organization as well as of the world(Fine, 2009). Threats 1. The down falling market in UK is an earliest attentive matter for the company as a larger share of the group's business area is settled in that area(Fine, 2009). 2. With the rise in the prices of houses faster than the income of people do poses the greatest risk to the countrys biggest-ever housing boom and the organizations business aspects. 3. There is a shortage of experienced work in the rising nations. 4. The varying monetary speed gives a tough time to the association. PESTLE Analysis PESTLE analysis, which is also referred asPEST analysis,is a marketing principles idea. Furthermore, the analysis is expended as a device by companies to mark the nature theyre working in or are going to operate or thinking to launching a fresh assignment or commodity or assistance etc(Pestle, Crowley and Weirauch, 2014). Political 1. The changes in the legislation and other political factors would provide the company with many challenges regarding the way the business can be run. The implementation of new taxes as well as other factors could provide the company with challenges in matters of how to handle the business (Pestle, Crowley and Weirauch, 2014). 2. However, there are certain measures that are taken by the government in order to strengthen the business environment within the country. The measures, if implemented, would provide the company with the means to grow and succeed in a number of ways (Farris, 2010). The company can also grow in an operational manner because of such measures. Economic 1. The economy of Australia has seen a trend of constant growth. This has mainly been facilitated by the existence of a large number of natural resources and other factors like the development of infrastructure. 2. The exchange rate of the countrys currency has also been relatively stable (Pestle, Crowley and Weirauch, 2014). 3. The most important factor however, is the rising disposable income of the countrys general population. Social The increasing witness that social influences such as state of being poor, joblessness, uneducated, poor infrastructure and social geographic remoteness impact on health ranks. People who are unemployed are more likely to report poor health. The state of being poor is also said to have effect upon average expected length of life though the impact is more noticeable at extreme low levels of earnings (World Bank 1993). A comparatively large part of whole of the Australian labors are jobless (8.6% in 1996) in relation to other OECD countries (Pestle, Crowley and Weirauch, 2014). Hence the new innovation of Lend Lease in Barangaroo South will not only create employment it will also solve all the problem related to unemployment and through its new innovative ideas many new multinational companies will also set foot in the country in return to which more employment will be created. Technological The Lend Lease consists of various range of technologically sound machines and working instruments and developed various technologically sound projects that helped in its growth. Environmental By becoming the participant in the Climate Positive Development Program C40 the Barangaroo South development by Lend Lease emphasizes on to achieve a total-carbon negative outcome in energy, waste reduction strategy and transportation strategy, encouraging developers in creating a revolutionary new model of purposeful sustainable development. Legal With the new and improved employment legislative decisions made by the Fair Work Act in 2009 the organization will easily be able to employee huge number of workers and can complete its project on or before the date of completion (Pestle, Crowley and Weirauch, 2014). Problems that can be solved by the new innovation By becoming the participant in the Climate Positive Development Program C40 the Barangaroo South development by Lend Lease emphasizes on to achieve a total-carbon negative outcome in energy, waste reduction strategy and transportation strategy, encouraging developers in creating a revolutionary new model of purposeful sustainable development(Kubica, 2011). Due to this new innovative idea during the construction the factors of global warming will be reduced and enhancement for the betterment of the environment will be achieved. Benefits of the innovation The new innovation will not only create a pollution free, waste free environment it will also create the awareness for the usage of renewable sources of energy and using public transportation instead of private transports more which in return will serve for the betterment of the environment(Gronum, Steen and Verreynne, 2015). Marketing Plans or Strategies Putting the accurate product in the actual place, at accurate price, at accurate time is going to be our marketing plan, also known as the 4 Ps of marketing. Product The highest rated high-rise office buildings (6stars) under Green Star rating tool of the Australian Green Building Councils will have their homes in Barangaroo along with multi-unit buildings for residential purposes. The complex not only will have commercial and residential buildings but will also have food and beverages counter, public transportation within the complex, hotels, community center and will be worlds leading sustainable urban community(berg, 2010). Place The southern 6 hectares from the 23-hectare previous cargo harbor on the western edge of the town will turn into the greenest global residential, marketing and commercial centre in the world also with dining, hospitality and public places.Barangaroo South will improve Sydneys rank as one of the worlds most outstanding harbor cities and a important destination. Price The price of plots will range from $1 million to $4 million depending on the amount of sq. mt. Promotion Barangaroo will be the worlds one and only carbon free development hence the promotions will be made through out the newspapers and television advertisements (berg, 2010). Delivery of the recommended solution The project consisting of above innovative ideas and solution to various environmental aspects will be completed within the year 2020. References Bearg, D. (2009). Achieving and Maintaining Healthy Green Buildings.Journal of Green Building, 4(1), pp.1-13. Cheremisinoff, N., Rosenfeld, P. and Davletshin, A. 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Friday, April 3, 2020
Market Segmentation and Branding
Executive Summary This report entails a comprehensive analysis of the concept of market segmentation. In the report, the researcher is aimed at developing a concrete understanding of how business organizations undertake market segmentation. Additionally, the report also involves an evaluation of how organizations apply branding in their operation.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Market Segmentation and Branding specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The report is organized into two parts. In the first part, the researcher conducts a review of different elements of market segmentation. In this section, the report analyzes the process of market segmentation. This is achieved by evaluating the various steps that organizations undertake in their market segmentation effort. Seven steps are evaluated. The section also illustrates the various forms of market segmentation that are integrated by organizations. These include ge ographic segmentation, demographic segmentation, benefit segmentation, volume segmentation and psychographic segmentation. The researcher also evaluates the benefits associated with market segmentation. In the second part, the researcher evaluates the branding process in organization. This part is composed of a number of sections. The first section entails an evaluation of the branding process. Six steps are evaluated. These include market analysis, brand architecture, the big idea, and market communication, employee involvement and brand measurement. The second part also entails an evaluation of the benefits of branding. Finally, a conclusion and a number of recommendations are outlined. Introduction Background to the study The success of business firms in different economic sectors is dependent on the effectiveness with which they undertake their marketing activities (Baines, Fill Page, 2008, p.76). To attain this, the management teams have to take incorporate various marketing c oncepts. One of these concepts is market segmentation. According to Wedel and Kamakura (2000, p.3), market segmentation is a critical component of marketing. Brennan, Canning and McDowell (2011, p.171) asserts that firms have to be excellent market segmenters considering the dynamic and hypercompetitive nature of the business environment. In the 21st century, globalization has become a common phenomenon thus presenting the consumers with a wide range of products offering to select from (Brennan, Canning McDowell, 2011, p.171). As a result, firms should not only concentrate on offering high quality products.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, firms should be committed at satisfying discriminating customers. This means that it is paramount for firms to shift from mass marketing and concentrate at aggressive marketing techniques. This can only be attained through integr ation of effective market segmentation strategies. In addition, it is also paramount for organizations to integrate the concept of branding. According to Dunn (2004, p.3), branding is aimed at building a firm’s brand equity which is a key component in a firm’s effort to attain competitive advantage. This increases the probability of firms surviving in the long term as going concern entities. Branding is also paramount in ensuring that the firm attains an optimal market position considering the competitive nature of the business environment. Through market segmentation and branding, a firm is able to establish a long-term relationship with its customers. Aim In this report, the researcher intends to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the concept of market segmentation. The report also entails an evaluation of how organizations apply the concept of branding. Scope The report is organized into two parts. The first part gives an analysis of market segmentation while the s econd part entails how organizations incorporate branding in their operation. Analysis Market segmentation One of the core objectives of business organisations is to maximise their profit (Brennan, Canning McDowell, 2011, p.171). Attainment of this goal is only possible if is firm has integrated customer-driven focus. Over the past 2 decades, firms have increasingly considered the concept of market segmentation as an important element in their marketing success. Weinstein (2004, p.3) defines market segmentation as the process through which a firm partitions its market into small groups depending on the customers’ characteristics and needs. According to Croft (p.2), firms intend to satisfy the consumer’s needs. Currently, adoption of mass marketing can lead into a firm failing. For example, a firm’s margin may be pushed downwards because some needs of a certain category of consumers are not wholly addressed.Advertising We will write a custom report sample o n Market Segmentation and Branding specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This may also give the competitor a winning margin. According to Wedel and Kamakura (2000, p.3), market segmentation is based on the notion that a market is heterogeneous in nature. Therefore, it is possible for a firm to divide the market into small homogenous groups on the basis of the consumers’ desires and preferences. According to Dibb and Simkin (1995, p.10), market segmentation enables a firm to satisfy the diverse consumer needs while at the same time maintaining a certain degree of economies of scale. Market segmentation process For market segmentation to be effective, there are a number of steps that management teams should follow as discussed below. Identification of target market The first step in market segmentation entails identifying a specific target market that it intends to sell its products and services to. This is achieved by conducting a co mprehensive consumer market research on the identified customer group. The research should be aimed at establishing whether the identified customer group have common consumption behaviour (Madaan, 2009, p.75). According to Dibb and Simkin (1995, p.18), identification of the target market is important since it influences the effectiveness of the marketing strategies implemented. Understand the expectations of the target audience For a firm’s products and services to be successful in the market, they must meet the customers’ expectations. Through a consumer market research, a firm can be able to understand the customers’ interests and product requirements. For example, through a market research Kellog which is a firm in the hospitality industry was able to develop a product that targeted customers who intended to reduce their calorie intake. Creating the subgroups Organizations should ensure that they have a comprehensive understanding of the target market. This i s attained by creating subgroups on the basis of various characteristics. One of the ways through which a firm can attain this is by integrating certain market variables. Reviewing the target audience The firm should conduct a continuous review of the consumption behavior of the identified subgroups. This will aid in determining the fluctuations in their product requirement and what triggers it. As a result, the firm will be efficient in adjusting its marketing strategies accordingly. According to Madaan (2009, p.75), consumer demand, interests and perceptions varies frequently. Reviewing the consumers’ behavior will increase the firm’s effectiveness in offering competitive products.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Naming the market segment The firm should name the segments developed accordingly for the implementation to be easier. For example, the segments can either be on the basis of age. Develop market strategies According to Brennan, Canning McDowell (2011, p.171), firms should devise strategies aimed at promoting its products in the specific segments. The promotion strategies formulated should contribute towards development of a connection with the target customers. Determining the size of the market segment This is an important step since it in that it enables a firm to plan its marketing mix strategies well. For this step to be successful, marketers should gather sufficient data from the market. Determining the size of the market will also will also increase the firm’s efficiency in sales planning and forecasting. Forms of consumer market segmentation According to Gitman and McDaniel (2009, p.299), there are 5 main bases upon which a firm can conduct its market segmentation. Th ese include geographic, demographic, benefit sought, volume and psychographic basis. Geographic market segmentation This entails segmenting the total market on the basis of its geographic characteristic such as the size and region of the country, climate and market density. Market density refers to the population or number of businesses in a particular areal. Geographic segmentation enables a firm to meet the regional product preferences of the customers. Demographic market segmentation Demographic segmentation is one of the most commonly used market segmentation strategy. In demographic segmentation, there are different variables that a firm can use to differentiate its products and services offering. These include the consumer’s income, age, gender, education, and household size (Gitman McDaniel, 2009, p.301). Evaluation of the consumers’ demographics can aid in offering products that satisfy the target consumer group. A firm can acquire demographic information of t he population from the census conducted by the government. Benefit segmentation This entails segmenting the market on the basis of the benefits sought by the consumers. Firms should understand the benefits that the consumers seek at attaining by purchasing a particular product. This will enable the firm to be efficient in its product development. For example, Sensodyne toothpaste is targeted at consumers who have highly sensitive teeth ((Brennan, Canning McDowell, 2011, p.171). Volume segmentation This strategy entails segmenting the market on the basis of the quantity of goods purchased. This depends on the consumers’ product usage. According to Gitman and McDaniel (2009, p.301), consumers have varying usage habits which range from heavy, moderate, light to non users. This method of segmentation is best implemented if firms’ understand the consumers’ spending habits. Psychographic segmentation Consumers have different personalities and lifestyle which influenc e their consumption patterns. Psychographic segmentation involves categorizing the customers on the basis of their interest and opinions. According to Gitman and McDaniel (2009, p.301), psychographic market segmentation enhances demographic segmentation. Benefits of segmentation There are a number of benefits associated with market segmentation. According to Croft (p.4), segmentation enables a firm to develop a comprehensive understanding of the consumers. For example, it enhances a firm’s understanding of the consumers needs and their decision making process. This makes it possible for a firm to influence the consumers purchasing patterns. This can be achieved by being efficient in the process of formulating marketing strategies such as promotion, distribution, pricing and product development. Additionally, market segmentation also enables a firm to be effective in adjusting its marketing strategies according to changes in the business environment. The resultant effect is th at the firms’ performance is enhanced. Branding in organizations Due to the hyper-competitive characteristic of the market, both large and small organizations are considering branding to be of high priority. According to Dunn (2004, p.3), branding is currently being considered as a financial and a marketing concept. Organizations have appreciated the fact that branding can contribute towards attainment of a long term competitive advantage. This arises from the fact that a long term relationship with the customers is established. Branding is concerned with developing a desirable feeling or idea in the customers’ minds. In their marketing process, firms intend to appeal the consumers in through consumption of their products(Baines, Fil l Page, 2008). Currently, consumers are faced with a wide range of products to select from in addition to a shortage of shopping time. To differentiate their products from competing products, firms integrate the concept of branding. Dunn (2004, p.4) asserts that branding enables a firm’s products and services ‘to stand out’. Organizations are increasingly being committed at developing a strong brand. The process of branding In their branding efforts, firms take into consideration a number of steps. Market analysis The first step entails conducting a comprehensive market analysis. The analysis is aimed at understanding different market aspects such as the existing and emerging market trends. Additionally, market analysis also aids a firm to understand the competitive nature of the market. In branding a firm should ensure that it considers the customers as the core element. Dunn (2004, p.5) is of the opinion that the most successful brands entail those brands which satisfy the customers’ wants and are easily accessible. To be able to conduct a concrete market analysis, a firm’s management team should conduct a review of the firm’s internal brand information. Trend analysis and evaluation of the current competitive information is also paramount. Brand architecture In formulating their brands, organizations should incorporate a number of building blocks. The building blocks are aimed at creating brand clarity. The initial step should entail building a product to supply in the market. The product should be relevant to the customers and differentiated. The firm should also have long term vision. For example, Wal-Mart was established with the vision of being the finest retailing firm. The brand should also attain a position in the market. This entail the perception of the brand compared to competing products (Baines, Fill Page, 2008). The brand should also target a specific and narrow target market. Firms achieve this by making a decision whether the brand is to be a local, regional or a global product. Brand targeting can also be achieved through market segmentation. After this, the firm should decide on the name to call the product. The brand name enables c ustomers to recognize the firm’s products. The brand name should be catchy, easy to pronounce and remember and unique. Other aspects of branding which the firm should consider developing include brand identity, brand promise, brand emotion, brand quality, brand pricing, brand packaging, brand distribution, brand association, brand credentials and brand message. Brand identity and brand name entails developing a name, symbol or logo that can be used to differentiate a firm’s products. The brand should contribute towards attainment of a unique experience. The big idea The success or failure of a particular brand is dependent on the quality of the ideas which form its foundation. A firm should always have ideas that enable its brand to respond to market changes. The big idea enables a brand to move to the next level. Integrated Marketing Communication After successful development of a brand, a firm’s management team should be committed at ensuring that there is suf ficient market awareness. This can be achieved by conducting a comprehensive market awareness campaign. One of the ways through which firms achieve this is by incorporating Integrated Marketing Communication. According to Brennan, Canning and McDowell (2011, p.171), the strategy entails breaking away from the brick and mortar mediums of creating market awareness and integrating emerging market communication mediums. Some of the marketing communication techniques that the firm should consider include use of public relations, advertising, direct marketing, and sponsorship. Some of the emerging mediums which the firm should consider include use of the internet. The market communication campaign ensures that that the consumers are continually aware of the brands existence in the market. Through IMC, a firm is able to create the intended synergy. Employee involvement Firms which are most successful in branding are those which consider the employees in their branding process. The employee s should be educated about the brand’s overall architecture. For example, they should understand how to defend the brand image. Additionally, they should also understand how they can keep the firm’s brand relevant in the market. According to Dubb, employees form the first contact with a certain brand. As a result, they should be fully incorporated in the process of building the brand. Brand measurement This step entails monitoring the performance of the firm’s branding programs so as to determine their effectiveness. Some of the elements considered in the measurement include the products sales, market share and distribution. To be efficient in measurement, a branding plan that stipulates how the firm intends the brand to be. Some of the brand intangibles that a firm should consider include brand awareness, brand preference, perceived value, customer satisfaction, intent to purchase, brand relevance, intent to purchase, perceived value and intent to repurchase. B enefits of branding According to Baines, Fill and Page (2008), a strong brand penetrates the market more easily and has the ability of influencing the consumers purchasing behavior. Additionally, branding also benefits a firm in that it can be able to incorporate a premium pricing strategy. By developing a strong brand, a firm is able to enhance its brand equity. As a marketing concept, branding can be categorized as being a tangible and an intangible marketing ingredient that enhances a firm’s growth and ability to gain a high market share. Additionally, branding can prevent a firm’s market share from being eroded. With regard to financial perspective, branding enables a firm to generate free cash flow. Developing a strong corporate brand improves a firm’s appeal to investors and financiers. This means that it becomes easier for a firm to source for financial capital externally (Gregory, 2009, p. 3). For example, over the years it has been in operation, Coca Co la Company has managed to develop financial stability as a result of branding. The firm estimates that only 4% of its value is attributable to its machinery, locations and machinery. Ninety six per cent of the firm’s value is attributable to intangible assets one of them being its brand. Similarly, Intel which is one of the largest personal computer manufacturing firms in the world attributes 85% of its value to brand equity (Knox, 2004, p.106). By developing a strong brand, a firm can be able to introduce a new product in the market more cost-effectively. Conclusion From the analysis, the success of a firm is dependent on the effectiveness with which it undertakes its marketing. One of the concepts which management teams should consider incorporating is marketing segmentation. Through segmentation, a firm is able to address the consumers’ needs more effectively. The resultant effect is that its competitive advantage is enhanced. Additionally, a firm’s survival in the long term as a going concern entity is also enhanced by its effectiveness in branding. Branding contributes towards development of a strong and a long term customer relationship. Recommendations For firms to survive in a market characterized by intense competition, it is vital for the management teams to consider integrating market segmentation and branding. To be efficient in their market segmentation and branding, firms should also consider undertaking a continuous market research. The research should target both the customer and the competitor as the core variables. This will enable the firms to adjust their marketing strategies in accordance with market changes. Additionally, their branding process should include both the customers and the employees. Reference List Baines, P. Fill, C. Page, K., 2008. Marketing. London: Oxford University. Brennan, R., Canning, L. McDowell, R., 2011. Business-to-business marketing. Los Angeles: Sage. Croft, M., 1994. Market segmentation; a step by step guide to profitable new business. New York: Routledge. Dibb, S. Simkin, L., 1995. The market segmentation workbook; target marketing for marketing managers. London: Routledge. Dunn, D., 2004. Branding; the 6 easy steps. California: Cameron Street Press. Gitman, L. McDaniel, C., 2009. The future of business; the essentials. Mason, OH: South Western Cengage. Gregory, J., 2009. The best of branding; best practices in corporate branding. New York: McGraw-Hill. Knox, S., 2004. Positioning and branding your organization. Journal of Product Brand Management. Vol. 13, issue 2, pp. 105-115. New York: Emerald Publishing Limited. Madaam, K., 2009. Fundamentals of retiling. New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited. Weinstein, A., 2004. Handbook of market segmentation; strategic targeting for business and technology firms. New York: Routledge. Wedel, M. Kamakura, W., 2000. Market segmentation; conceptual and methodical foundations. Boston: Kluwer Acad emic. This report on Market Segmentation and Branding was written and submitted by user Nickolas Watts to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Free sample - Compare readings. translation missing
Compare readings. Compare readingsHistory of modern times is full of different events and movements, which have been attracting the attention of the publicity for many years already. Those people who are fond of history may find good grounding for numerous discussions and critics. The libraries have a good store of different books and articles related to the historical topic and cinematograph helps the audience to understand completely some problems by means of their screen adaptation. It should be mentioned that political topics and problems of political movements always attract great attention of the readers, as it is exactly politics that is the subject of lively and exciting discussions. Needless to say that the question of equality of men and women in society gives the plot to the numerous movements in different countries. Many politicians made great contribution to the politics of not only their country but the world politics as well. Olympe de Gouges belonged to this kind of politicians. During the period of French Revolution Olympe de Gouge was treated as the voice for women struggling for women’s suffrage. Olympe was struggling for the right of women to vote, as well as for their general equality in society. Being brought up in the society with male domination, Olympe quickly realized all the problems that had to be solved and found the necessary directions to be taken. At that time, the greatest part of men's population regarded themselves advanced to women, and women were afraid to argue with this point of view and contradict it. It was a normal state of affairs although living in such conditions was awesome for women. During the French Revolution, the government had regained its self-assurance and denied to listen to any new demands and necessities for reforms. In its place, it increased political subjugation and police observation. Olympe is rightfully regarded as outstanding and significant person in the history of French suffrage movement. She has the full right to be called the voice of French women. Her thoughts and approach to the freedom of choice and women’s rights that she proposed were really reasonable. Olympe is the author of the first and one of the most famous documents asserting the necessity of the equity of men and women. One of the main laws that the author tries to promote is the perseverance of all natural and social rights of women. Olympe asserts that all women should enjoy the same rights with men. It concerns every area of social and political life. One of the main statements that the author provides is that woman should have the same political and social rights and bear the same responsibility for every action they may take. According to the point of view of Olympe, there should not be any limitations to women in expressing their views, as the legislation presupposes that everybody has the right for the expression free will, thoughts and actions. The task of Olympe de Gouge was to demonstrate the French government that women also had the same rights as men and there was no right to overlook women’s demands and ideas. Olympe tried to focus on the problem of patri archy, stating that that it limits the liberty and equity of citizens. The material foundation of patriarchy, the control of women's labor, permits men controlling women's right to use to productive resources (Lenner 45). The ability to bear children permits women reproducing patriarchal social relations, comprising intergenerational male-female relationships. Such kind of relations can lead to the misunderstanding within the society. Women are also the citizens that are able to enjoy the same tights with men and there should not be any limits to this. From her point of view, patriarch structure of society does not lead to anything except the split within the society. Patriarchy, from the point of view of Gauge is not the best way of regime in the government, because men and women should be equal in their rights and should have the same responsibilities (Surhone and Timpledon 25). According to patriarch government only men are responsible for all the available assets and they ca n control the labor of women. Gouges struggled for the conducting of certain type of reforms the main aim of which is to improve life conditions. The first part of reforms, recommended by de Gouges were connected with those to the marriage contract. From her point of view this type of contract was necessary as it could guarantee women the perseverance of their rights and property in case of the diverse. According to the reform of marriage contract, women obtained the right for some property. The contract presupposed that one part of it, that is wife, was entitled with the same rights as the second part that is husband. From her point of view, these reforms could improve the position of women in society and make them equal to men. One more governmental theory under discussion is capitalism and its critique by Karl Marx. From his point of view, this system is not the best for any government and it can only lead to the negative results, as this system is one of inequality and conflict between classes within one society. Marx is, probably, the most divisive economist in the history of economy. His writings are actively studied and discussed. He was a famous critic of capitalism. He worked at the studying of capitalism comprehensively and much of his writings are concentrated on the problems of capitalism and particularly on the utilization of the worker as the main power of production. By examining the origin of capitalism and the Marxist evaluation of capitalism, we can better understand Marx’s points of view. Capitalism and its studying was the deal of all his life. Marx spent a great part of time studying the change of the feudal society to a new model of society that is to capitalism evaluating its principles, advantages and disadvantages. Before the change to capitalism society took place, there was industrial revolution in England. This revolution influenced practically all the countries of Europe. That is why Russia was not an exception. Capitalist movement and ideas start spreading over the territories of Russia, evoking a great number of for and against issues. Marx takes as the main point the idea that the leading class, the bourgeoisie, takes control over capital, property, the means of manufacture, and hence by addition all those (far more abundant than the bourgeoisie) who compose the laboring class. Indeed, Marx sees equality between capital, property, and the means of manufacture, which are all concentrated in the hands of bourgeoisie. According to Marks, capitalism is a power that can lead to the division of society into two main parts, and can result in the absence of the middle class. According to capitalism as a system of the government, property and means of production belong to bourgeoisie, thus leading to the appearance of conflict within the society. According to Marks, property and means of production should belong to each member of society, in other way such inequity can result in conflicts. Throughout his work, the primary concern of Marx was the rational demolition of capitalism. Although he believed in progressive history and the expected downfall of capitalism, Marx supposed that in destroying the intellectual maintain of capitalism he could speed up its real demise and conduct in a socialist era. Speaking about Marx’s works, many of them can be considered as reactions to the increasing status of the comparatively new sphere of political economy. The views of Marks were based on the principles and ideas of such great economists and philosophers, such as Adam Smith, David Ricardo and Thomas Malthus, whose tolerant theories promoted an addition of precisely the features of capitalism that Marx considered as substandard. Hence, his analysis ranges from attacks on the satisfied moderate basis of capitalism to compound analyses of the economics of the day and of foremost theorists. Marx argued the ideas of capitalism and tried to find as many disadvantages of it as possible. His ideas have a lot of supporters and opponents. According to Marks, the capitalists have increased the ability of workers to perform the work harder, quicker and for longer time periods, but at the same time they have deprived the workers from their personal prosperity coming from the products manufactured by them. So, what was the overcome, according to Marx? He, basically, believed that in order to defeat estrangement, it is necessary to overcome the capitalists. The worker should be paid less then the price of the product manufactured by him. So, in this case we observe the process of exploitation (Marx 36). Marx asserts that what our ability to modify and form the world that surrounds us makes people human. In addition, human beings are very sociable, but under capitalism conditions, everything is truthfully confidentially owned and class separates the society. Labor process is the la ck of control over the process of manufacturing. Marks supposed that working class has a complete right to control the result of its production in order to avoid the separation within the society and avoid creation of upper and lower classes. Division of labor, in accordance with Marx, is the basis the capitalism will fall and communism will arise. In the capitalist reality of Marx, division of labor is an essential condition for commodity manufacturing. Marx considered reforms and introduction of a new system of government as essential steps capitalist society should take (Marx and Engels 15). According to Marx, socialism is one of the most successful and necessary reforms of the government. He supposed that only socialism could help the country to avoid crisis and division of society. As Marx stated, socialism is a political and economic system that advocates communal or governmental possession and the management of the means of manufacturing and distribution of goods and services. In the ideal socialist society, there is no any private property and everyone cares for those less providential. In this system of government, everyone has usually the same quantity of money. This society is lack of upper classes or lower classes, there is only one middle class. Many theorists say that this idea sounds like the utopia, as there is not such a model of society, where the others do not control the labor of ones. Socialism is able to increase the liberty of the society and lead to the equality between classes in the society. Obviously, capitalism has its own advantages, such as economic growth and rapid progress in science. However, its main result is division of society and lack of working class development. Comparing the works and ideas of Marx and gauge, we can say that they have a lot in common. Both of these political leaders were struggling for equity and rights. The views of both leaders were based on the essence of traditions and ideas of equity in rights of people of different classes. Despite the feminists’ points of view by Gouge, her reforms sound very reasonable, as they are devoted to the problems of equity between classes. The works and ideas of Marx and Gauge were discussed and criticized by Edmund Burke. He believed that these kinds of revolutionary reforms are dangerous for the well-being of society. He considered that each flourishing political movement comprises diverse and often military elements bound together by more than power of feeling and the tempt of power, so it would be rater incorrect to look for untarnished ideological steadiness in a political party. He asserted that political movements and reforms are very dangerous for society as they van lead to conflicts and using of military forces (Burke 7). The thing is that our history did not witness such cases when any political reform was completely supported by every party and every member of society. There were many cases when the reforms and changes of the political ands social life resulted in the revolutionary and military conflicts. Obviously, stability is not a bad thing, but the way to it may result in different negative consequence s, such as conflicts and usage of military power. To my mind, I agree that the dedication to traditions and customs of society can really trump the dedication to the values and liberty, as people are so accustomed to old traditions and way of life and it is very difficult for them to dedicate themselves to something new. Probably, this is an explanation why we were living in the feudal society for so long period. Traditions are so penetrated into our life that it is difficult to imagine it without them. They deal with every sphere of modern life, including politics. Burke, Edmund. Reflections on the Revolution in France (Oxford World's Classics). New York: Oxford University Press, 2009Lerner, Gerda. The Creation of Patriarchy (Women History). New York: Oxford University Press, 2010Marx, Karle, Engels Friedrich. The Communist Manifesto: New York: Indo-European, 2010 Marx, Karl. Capital: A Critique of Political Economy. London: CreateSpace, 2010 Surhone, Lambert, Timpledon, Miriam. Olympe de Gouges: Feminism, Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen, Patriarchy, Reign of Terror, Maximilien Robespierre. Dallas: Betascript Publishing
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Current Health Care Economic issue - Prescription drugs Essay
Current Health Care Economic issue - Prescription drugs - Essay Example The paradox is that though there are more quality drugs produced and life expectancy prolonged, the results are that the government spends billions of dollars annually to keep the pharmaceutical sector thriving. This is occasioned by the fact that the patients need more of these prescription drugs year in year out creating a dependency chain. So, the question is: who actually pays for this medical progress? Economists argue that despite Americans willingness to pay for health insurance premiums and the government doing its part by sinking the tax payers’ money into more research and innovation, the overall results are inversely related to the efforts in the long run. Drugs that derail hospital admissions, curtail proposed surgical operations signify pharmaceutical are an economical success in the short run (Mark, 2006). When these procedures are to take place later, however, these prescription drugs are purely a waste of resources due to the added overheads. Regardless of the medical care inflation costs, pharmaceutical care economics is therefore a broad area with different approaches as per the diverse areas. For example, chronic illnesses will have different costs as compared to other
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Children with Intellectual Disability Research Proposal
Children with Intellectual Disability - Research Proposal Example The apparent impression discerning from literature surveys is that of lack of consensus. Cuskelly puts it forthright; the research studies dealing with psychological adjustment of the siblings of individuals with disability, gives an impression of contradiction, or confusion (1999). Another methodical advance of recent origin emphasizes quantitative research. This approach seeks to narrow the disagreements referred above through meta-analysis. The strategy used herein is to assess factors that produce inconsistencies, stemming from both, substantive and methodological. One popular approach of quantitative research is that of vote-count meta-analysis, which presents a tabulation of studies by their outcomes. Using this technique, Howe reviewed 21 studies to show that there appears to be a negative psychological impact on siblings of intellectually challenged individual (1993). However, even here, conclusions vary. Summers, reported both positive and negative consequences on the sibling of an individual with disability (1994). The research problem embodies the research study, both in its scope and depth, and unambiguously defined (Fouche, 2005). In this study, the research problem is centered around the psychosocial effects on the siblings of individuals subject to intellectual disability. The World H... The prevalence of intellectual disability is generally estimated to be between 1-3% of the population. People with intellectual disability (PWID) represent a heterogeneous group with a varied range of highly complex needs, yet they remain among the most vulnerable members of society (O'Hara, 2008). The underlying rationale and principles of care for PWID have undergone radical changes in countries such as, USA, Europe, Australia and Canada over the past four decades. The focus is now on civil and human rights, with social inclusion and citizenship free from discrimination (Bouras, 2002). The emphasis has shifted to the movement towards integration, participation and choice with the development of community based facilities, and growing empowerment and self advocacy for PWID and their families (Tsuda, 2006). The family is seen as the most appropriate living environment for PWID, which is a function both of cultural values and availability of services (Special Olympics, 2003). In this context, this study shall identify with recommendations, the counseling and support needs of siblings of individuals with intellectual disability. The study shall also seek to integrate the current efforts of agencies, organizations and support groups with the findings of this study. Research Theme: The researcher has selected the following main themes for focused study, research, and analysis with regard to siblings of children with intellectual disability: a) Psychosocial risks: kind, intensity, short and long term effects b) Coping strategies and family support systems c) Society and community empathy, sensitivity and support systems d) Cultural impact; gender impact; ageing factor; in adapting strategies e) Positive spin-offs, if
Monday, January 27, 2020
Newtons Law Of Motion
Newtons Law Of Motion In this assignment, I will learn about the outcome two that is Newtons law and harmonic oscillation. Newtons law can be divide by three types that is 1st law, 2nd law and 3rd law. It is teach about the motion in our real life. Thus, harmonic oscillation can be divided by three types that are pendulum oscillation, damped oscillation and mechanic oscillation. All of these oscillation are useful in our life especial is use in different type of mechanics. Question One Research on the Newtons Laws of motion, and make a report that provide detail explanation and examples on Newtons 3 laws of motion. You report should include relevant and useful formula. Answer Newtons law of motion can be divided by three types that is 1st law, 2nd law and 3rd law and it is law of gravity. The three laws are simple and sensible. The first law states that a force must be applied to an object in order to change its velocity. When the objects velocity is changing that mean it is accelerating, which implies a relationship between force and acceleration. The second law, the acceration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and is inversely proportional to its mass. The direction of the acceleration is in the direction of the acceleration is in the direction of the net force acting on the object. Finally, the third laws, whenever we push on something, it pushes back with equal force in the opposite direction. Forces A force is commonly imagined as a push or a pull on some object, perhaps rapidly, as when we hit a tennis ball with a racket. (see figure 1.0). We can hit the ball at different speeds and direct it ionto different parts of the opponents;s court. This mean that we can control the magnitude of the applied force and alos its direction, so force is a vector quantity, just like velocity and acceleration. Figure 1.0: Tennis champion Rafael Nadal strikes the ball with his racket, applying a force and directing the ball into the open part of the court. Figure 1.1: Examples of forces applied to various objects. In each case, a force acts on the object surrounded by the dashed lines. Something in the environment external to the boxed area exerts the force. Newtons 1st law Newtons 1st law of motion states that if a body is at rest it will remain at the rest and if a body is moving in a straight line with uniform velocity will keep moving unless an external force is acted upon. For example, consider a book lying on a table. Obviously, the book remains at rest if left alone. Now imagine pushing the book with a horizontal force great enough to overcome the force of friction between the book and the table, setting the book in motion. Because the magnitude of the applied force exceeds the magnitude of the friction force, the book to a stop. Now imagine the book across a smooth floor. The book again comes to rest once the force is no longer applied, but not as quickly as before. Finally, if the book is moving on a horizontal frictionless surface, it continues to move in a straight line with constant velocity until it hits a wall or some other obstruction. However, an object moving on a frictionless surface, its not the nature of an object to stop, once set in motion, but rather to continues in its original state of motion. This approach was later formalized as Newtons first law of motion: An object moves with a velocity that is constant in magnitude and direction, unless acted on by a nonzero net force. For example: In the figure 1.2, the string is providing centripetal force to move the ball in a circle around 3600. If sudden the string was break, the ball will move off in a straight line and the motion in the absence of the constraining force. This example is not have other net forces are acting, such as horizontal motion on a frictionless surface. Figure 1.2 Inertia Inertia is the reluctance of an object to change its state of motion. This means if an object is at rest it will remain at rest or if its moving it will keep moving in a straight line with uniform velocity. Force is needed to overcome inertia. For example In figure 1.3, it is an experiment to prove the concept of inertia. In experiments using a pair of inclined planes facing each other, Galileo observed that a ball would up the opposite plane to the same height and roll down one plane. If smooth surface are used, the ball is roll up to the opposite plane and return to the original height. When it is starting to roll down the ball on the degree place, it is will return the ball at the same height from original point. Figure 1.3 If the opposite incline were elevated at nearly a 0 degree angle, then the ball will be roll in an effort to reach the original height that is show in the figure 1.4. Figure 1.4: If a ball stops when it attains its original height, then this ball would never stop. It would roll forever if friction were absent. Other example Figure 1.5: According to Newtons 1st law, a bicycles motion wasnt change until same force, such as braking makes it change. Newton 2nd law Newtons first law explains what happens to an object that has no net force acting on it. The object either remains at rest or continues moving in a straight line with constant speed. Newtons second law is the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and is inversely proportional to its mass. The direction of the acceleration is in the direction of the acceleration is in the direction of the acceleration is in the direction of the net force acting on the object. Imagine pushing a block of ice across a frictionless horizontal surface. When you exert some horizontal force on the block, it moves with an acceleration of the 2m/s2. If you apply a force twice as large, the acceleration doubles to 4m/s2. Pushing three times as hard triples the acceleration, and so on. From such observations, we conclude that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it. Mass also affects acceleration. Suppose you stack identical block of ice on top of each other while pushing the stack with constant force. If the force applied to one block produces an acceleration of 2m/s2, then the acceleration drops to half that value, 1 m/s2, When 2 blocks are pushed, to one-third the initial value. When three block is pushed, and so on. We conclude that the acceleration of an object is inversely proportional to its mass. These observations are summarized in Newtons second law: The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. Units of Force and Mass The SI unit of force is the Newton. When 1 Newton of force acts on an object that has a mass of 1 kg, it produces an acceleration of 1 m/s2 in the object. From this definition and Newtons second law, we can see that the Newton can be expressed in terms of the fundamental units of mass, length and time. 1 N = 1 kg.m/s2 A force is a push or a pull. Hence a force can change the size, shape, and state of rest or motion, direction of motion and speed / velocity. The symbol for force is F and the S.I. unit is Newton (N). An object of mass m is subjected to a force F, its velocity changes from U to V in time t. The above condition can be stated as: F = Where a = is acceleration, thus F = ma. For example Figure 1.6: An airboat. An airboat with mass 3.50x102Kg, including passengers, has an engine that produces a net horizontal force of 7.70x102N, after accounting for forces of resistance (see figure 1.6). (a) Find the acceleration of the airboat. (b) Starting from rest, how long does it take the airboat to reach a speed of 12.0m/s2? (c) After reaching this speed, the pilot turns off the engine and drifts to a stops over distance of 50.0m. Find the resistance force, assuming its constant. Solution (a) Find the acceleration of the airboat. Apply Newtons second law and solve for the acceleration: Fnet = ma a = = = 2.20m/s2 (b) Find the time necessary to reach a speed of 12.0m/s. Apply the kinematics velocity equation: If t = 5.45s V = at + V0 = (2.20m/s2) (5.45) = 12.0m/s (c) Find the resistance force after the engine is turned off. Using kinematics, find the net acceleration due to resistance forces V2 = 2a Άx 0 (12.0m/s)2 = 2a(50.0m) = -12 / 100 = -0.12m/s2 Substitute the acceleration into Newtons second law, finding the resistance force: Fresistance= ma = (3.50 X 102kg) (-144m/s2) = -504N Impulse and Impulsive Force The force, which acts during a short moment during a collision, is called Impulsive Force. Impulse is defined as the change of momentum, so Impulse = MV MU, since F = , thus impulse can be written as: Impulsive force is Force = Impulse/Time. Unit is Newton (N). The applications of impulsive force In real life we tend to decrease the effect of the impulsive force by reducing the time taken during collision. Gravitational force or gravity Gravity exists due to the earths mass and it is acts towards the center of earth. Object falling under the influence of gravity will experience free fall. Assuming no other force acts upon it. Object experiencing free fall will fall with acceleration; gravity has an approximate value of 10m/s2. The gravitational force acting on any object on earth can be expressed as F=mg. This is also as weight. For example Find the gravitational force exerted by the sun on a 79.0kg man located on earth. The distance from the sun to the earth is about 1.50 X 1011 m, and the suns mass is 1.99 X 1030kg. Solution Fsun = G = (6.67 X 10-11 Kg-1m3s2) = 0.413N Newtons third law The action of one body acting upon another body tends to change the motion of the body acted upon. This action is called a force. Because a force has both magnitude and direction, it is a vector quantity, and the previous discussion on vector notation applies. Newtons third law is the amount of force which you inflict upon on others will have the same repelling force that act on you as well. Force is exerted on an object when it comes into contact with some other object. Consider the task of driving a nail into a block of wood, for example, as illustrated in the figure 1.7(a). To accelerate the nail and drive it into the block, the hammer must exert a net force on the nail. Newton is a single isolated force (such as the force exerted by the hammer on the nail) couldnt exist. Instead, forces in nature always exist in pairs. According to Newton, as the nail is driven into the block by the force exerted by the hammer, the hammer is slowed down and stopped by the force exerted by the nail. Newton described such paired forces with his third law: Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object, the second exerts an equal and opposite force on the first. This law, which is illustrated in figure 1.7(b), state that a single isolated force cant exist. The force F12 exerted by object 1 on object 2 is sometimes called the action force, and the force F12 exerted by object 2 on object 1 is called the reaction force. In reality, either, either force can be labeled the action or reaction force. The action force is equal in magnitude to the reaction force and opposite in direction. In all cases, the action and reaction forces act on different objects. For example, the force acting on a freely falling projectile is the force exerted by earth on the projectile, Fg, and the magnitude of this force is its weight mg. The reaction to force Fg is the force exerted by the projectile on earth, Fg = -Fg. The reaction force Fg must accelerate the earth towards the projectile, just as the action force Fg accelerates the projectile towards the earth. Because the earth has such a large mass and its acceleration due to this reaction forces is negligibly small. Figure 1.7: Newtons third law. (a) The force exerted by the hammer on the nail is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force exerted by the nail on the hammer. (b) The force F12 exerted by object 1 on object 2 is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force F21 exerted by object 2 on object 1. Newtons third law constantly affects our activities in everyday life. Without it, no locomotion of any kind would be possible, whether on foot, on a bicycle, or in a motorized vehicle. When walking, we exert a frictional force against the ground. The reaction force of the ground against our foot propels us forward. In the same way, the tired on a bicycle exert a frictional force against the ground, and the reaction of the ground pushes the bicycle forward. This is called friction plays a large role in such reaction forces. Figure 1.8: In the figure 1.8, when a force pushes on an object, the object pushes back in the opposite direction. The force of the pushing back is called the reaction force. This law explains why we can move a rowboat in water. The water pushes back on the oar as much as the oar pushes on the water, which moves the boat. The law also explains why the pull of gravity doesnt make a chair crash through the floor; the floor pushes back enough to offset gravity. When you hit a baseball, the bat pushes on the ball, but the ball also on the bat. Figure 1.9 Question Two Research and illustrate the various characteristics of Damped Oscillations, your answer should also include graphical display of these characteristic. Answer In the real life, the vibrating motion can be taken place in ideal systems that are oscillating indefinitely under the action of a linear restoring force. In many realistic system, resistive forces, such as friction, are present and retard the motion of the system. Consequently, the mechanical energy of the system diminishes in time, and the motion is described as a damped oscillation. Thus, in all real mechanical systems, forces of friction retard the motion, so the systems dont oscillate indefinitely. The friction reduces the mechanical energy of the system as time passes, and the motion is said to be damped. In the figure 2.0, shock absorbers in automobiles are one practical application of damped motion. A shock absorber consists of a piston moving through a liquid such as oil. The upper part of the shock absorber is firmly attached to the body of the car. When the car travels over a bump in the road, holes in the piston allow it to move up and down in the fluid in a damped fashion. (b) Figure 2.0: (a) A shock absorber consists of a piston oscillating in a chamber filled with oil. As the piston oscillates, the oil is squeezed through holes between the piston and the chamber, causing a damping of the pistons oscillations. (b) One type of automotive suspension system, in which a shock absorber is placed inside a coil spring at each wheel. Damped motion varies with the fluid used. For example, if the fluid has a relatively low viscosity, the vibrating motion is preserved but the amplitude of vibration decreases in time and the motion ultimately ceases. This process is known as under damped oscillation. The position vs. time curve for an object undergoing such as oscillation appears in active figure 2.1. In the figure 2.2 compares three types of damped motion, with curve (a) representing underdamped oscillation. If the fluid viscosity is increased, the object return rapidly to equilibrium after it is released and doesnt oscillate. In this case the system is said to be critically damped, and is shown as curve (b) in the figure 2.2. The piston return to the equilibrium position in the shortest time possible without once overshooting the equilibrium position. If the viscosity is greater still, the system is said to be overdamped. In this case the piston returns to equilibrium without ever passing through the equilibrium po int, but the time required to reach equilibrium is greater than in critical damping. As illustrated by curve (c) in figure 2.2. Active figure 2.1: A graph of displacement versus time for an under damped oscillator. Note the decrease in amplitude with time. Figure 2.2: Plots of displacement versus time for (a) an under damped oscillator, (b) a critically damped oscillator, and (c) an overdamped oscillator. Damped oscillation is proportional to the velocity of the object and acts in the direction opposite that of the objects velocity relative to the medium. This type of force is often observed when an object is oscillating slowly in air, for instance, because the resistive force can be expressed as R = -bv, where b is a constant related to the strength of the resistive force, and the restoring force exerted on the system is -kx, Newtons second law gives us = -kx bv = max -kx b = m ~(i) The solution of this differential equation requires mathematics that may not yet be familiar to you, so it will simply be started without proof. When the parameters of the system are such that b < so that the resistive force is small, the solution to equation is X = ( Ae-(b/2m)t) cos(wt + ) ~(ii) Where the angular frequency of the motion is = ~(iii) The object suspended from the spring experience both a force from the spring and a resistive force from the surrounding liquid. Active figure 2.1 shows the position as a function of time for such a damped oscillator. We see that when the resistive force is relatively small, the oscillatory character of the motion is preserved but the amplitude of vibration decreases in time and the motion ultimately creases, this system is known as an underdamped oscillator. The dashed blue lines in active figure 2.1, which form the envelope of the oscillatory curve, represent the exponential factor that appears in equation (ii). The exponential factor shows that the amplitude decays exponentially with time. It is convenient to express the angular frequency of vibration of a damped system (iii) in the form = Where = à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡k/m represents the angular frequency of oscillation in the absence of a resistive force (the undamped oscillator). In other words, when b=o, the resistive force is zero and the system oscillates with angular frequency, called the natural frequency. As the magnitude of the resistive force increases, the oscillations dampen more rapidly. When b reaches a critical value bc,so that bc/2m = , the system does not oscillate and is said to be critically damped. In this case, it returns to equilibrium in an exponential manner with time, as in figure 2.2. Question Three: Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) is a dynamical system typified by the motion of a mass on a spring when it is subject to the linear elastic restoring force given by Hookes Law. The motion is sinusoidal in time and demonstrates a single resonant frequency. What is the relationship between the tension and weight in the system? What is Hookes law when applied to the system? Answer Oscillation of motion is has one set of equations can be used to describe and predict the movement of any object whose motion is simple harmonic. The motion of a vibrating object is simple harmonic if its acceleration is proportional to its displacement and its acceleration and displacement are in opposite direction. The second bullet point mean that are acceleration, and therefore the resultant force, always acts towards the equilibrium position, where the displacement is zero. Common examples of simple harmonic motion include the oscillations of a simple pendulum and those of a mass suspended vertically on a spring. The diagram shows the size of the acceleration of a simple pendulum and a mass on a spring when they are given a small displacement, x, from the equilibrium position. Figure 3.0 In the figure 3.0, the numerical value of the acceleration is equal to a constant multiplied by the displacement, showing that acceleration is proportional to displacement. Then, the negative value of the acceleration shows that it is in the opposite direction to the displacement, since acceleration and displacement are both vector quantities. Simple harmonic in a spring If you hang a mass from a spring, the mass will stretch the spring a certain amount and then come to rest. It is established when the pull of the spring upward on the mass is equal to the pull of the force of gravity downward on the mass. The system, spring and mass, is said to be in equilibrium when that condition is met. If the mass is up or down from the equilibrium position and release it, the spring will undergo simple harmonic motion caused by a force acting to restore the vibrating mass back to the equilibrium position. That force is called the restoring force and it is directly proportional to magnitude of the displacement and is directed opposite the displacement. The necessary condition for simple harmonic motion is that a restoring force exists that meets the conditions stated symbolically as Fr = -kx, where k is the constant of proportionality and x is the displacement from the equilibrium position. The minus sign, as usual, indicates that Fr has a direction opposite that of x. For example Figure 3.1 The crank rotates with angular velocity w. Then, the slide will slide between P1 and P. V2 = W2 (P2-X2) P = Amplitude or maximum point. V= Velocity of the slider. X = Distance from centre point due to velocity, v. W = Angular velocity of crank. = 2à ₠¬f f = = 1/T a = -w2x Simple pendulum A simple pendulum is just a heavy particle suspended from one end of an inextensible, weightless string whose other end in fixed in a rigid support, this point being referred to as the point of suspension of the pendulum. Obviously, it is simply impossible to obtain such an idealized simple pendulum. In actual practice, we take a small and heavy spherical bob tied to a long and fine silk thread, the other end of which passes through a split cork securely clamped in a suitable stand, the length (à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬Å") of the pendulum being measured from the point of suspension to the centre of mass of the bob. In the figure 3.2, let S be the point of suspension of the pendulum and 0, the mean or equilibrium position of the bob. On taking the bob a little to one side and then gently releasing it, the pendulum starts oscillating about its mean position, as indicated by the dotted lines. At any given instant, let the displacement of the pendulum from its mean position SO into the position SA is ÃŽÂ ¸. Then, the weight mg of the bob, acting vertically downwards, exerts a torque or moment mg/sin ÃŽÂ ¸ about the point of suspension, tending to bring it back to its mean position, the negative sign of the torque indicating that it is oppositely directly to the displacement (ÃŽÂ ¸). Figure 3.2 If d2ÃŽÂ ¸/dt2 be the acceleration of the bob, towards 0, and I its M.I about the point of suspension (S), the moment of the force or the torque acting on the bobn is also equal to I.d2ÃŽÂ ¸/dt2. I = -mgà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬Å"sinÃŽÂ ¸ If ÃŽÂ ¸ is small, the amplitude of oscillation be small, we may neglect all other terms except the first and take sin ÃŽÂ ¸ = ÃŽÂ ¸. I = -mgà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬Å"ÃŽÂ ¸, Whence, = Since M.I of the bob about the point of suspension (S) is mà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã¢â‚¬Å"2. We have = = =  µÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ¸, Where =  µ The acceleration of the bob is thus proportional to its angular displacement ÃŽÂ ¸ and is directed towards its mean position 0. The pendulum thus executes a simple harmonic motion and its time period is given by T = 2à ₠¬ = 2à ₠¬ = 2à ₠¬ It being clearly understood that the amplitude of the pendulum is small. The displacement here being angular, instead of linear, it is obviously an example of an angular simple harmonic motion. Hookes law Vibration motion is an object attached to a spring. We assume the object moves on a frictionless horizontal surface. If the spring is stretched or compressed a small distance x from its equilibrium position and then released, it exerts a force on the object as shown in figure 3.3. From experiment the spring force is found to obey the equation F = -kx ~(iv) Where x is the displacement of the object from its equilibrium position (x=0) and k is a positive constant called the spring constant. This force law for springs is known as Hookes law. The value of k is a measure of the stiffness of the spring. Stiff springs have large K value, and soft springs have small K value. In the equation (iv), the negative sign mean that the force exerted by the spring is always directed opposite the displacement of the object. When the object is to the right of the equilibrium position, as in figure 3.3 (a), x is positive and F is negative. This means that force is the negative direction, to the left. When the object is to the left of equilibrium position, as in figure 3.3 (c), x is negative and F is positive, indicating that the direction the force is to the right. Of course, when x = 0, as in figure 3.3 (b), the spring is unstretched and F =0. Because the spring force always acts toward the equilibrium position, it is some time called a restoring force. A restoring force always pushes or pulls the object toward the equilibrium position. The process is then repeated, and the object continues to oscillate back and forth over the same path. This type of motion is called simple harmonic motion. Simple harmonic motion occurs when the net force along the direction of motion obeys Hookes law When the net force is proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium point and is always directed toward the equilibrium point. Figure 3.3: The force exerted by a spring on an object varies with the displacement of the object from the equilibrium position, x=0. (a) When x is positive (the spring is stretched). (b) When x is zero (the spring is unstretched), the spring force is zero, (c) When x is negative (the spring is compressed), the spring force is to the right. Conclusion As my conclusion, Newtons law was a very useful in nowadays because it is can use the 3 type of law to prevent any accidents in now generation. Firsts law is states that a force must be applied to an object in order to change its velocity. Seconds law is acceration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and is inversely proportional to its mass. Thirds law is whenever we push on something, it pushes back with equal force in the opposite direction. Second, harmonic oscillation is a type of forced and damped oscillation that is amplitude of a real swinging pendulum or oscillating spring decrease slowly with time until the oscillation stop altogether. This decay of amplitude as a function of time is called damping.
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