Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Visa F-3 para estudiantes mexicanos en la frontera
Visa F-3 para estudiantes mexicanos en la frontera Los estudiantes mexicanos y canadienses que viven cerca de la frontera de Estados Unidos pueden estar interesados en estudiar en este paà s. Desde el aà ±o 2002 tienen a su disposicià ³n las visas F-3, y M-3, adems de las F-1 y M-1 que aplican a todos los estudiantes internacionales. En este artà culo se informa sobre los requisitos de las F-3 y M-3 y sus diferencias con respecto a las visas de estudiantes ms conocidas. Pero antes de empezar, dejar claro que la diferencia entre las categorà as F y M es que à ©stas à ºltimas estn limitadas a estudios vocacionales. Requisitos de las visas de estudiante F-3 y M-3 Sà ³lo las pueden solicitar ciudadanos o residentes permanentes legales de Mà ©xico o Canad.Pueden estudiar en escuelas o universidades que està ©n a una distancia mxima de 75 millas a contar desde la frontera.Obligatoriamente tienen que continuar residiendo en Mà ©xico o en Canad. Tienen que desplazarse para realizar sus estudios pero siguen manteniendo de modo activo su residencia fuera de los Estados Unidos.Pueden estudiar a tiempo completo o a tiempo parcial.Adems, aplican los requisitos no contradictorios de las F-1 y M-1, incluido el requisito de SEVIS. Principales diferencias entre las F-3 y las F-1 Uno de las principales diferencias es el cà ³nyuge y los hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os de una persona con una visa F-3 no pueden pedir visas derivadas para los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, esos familiares inmediatos en el caso de una F-1 pueden solicitar una F-2 para acompaà ±ar a su pariente a los Estados Unidos. Otra diferencia importante es que el estudiante con una F-3 no puede buscar empleo en el campus en el que estudie. Sin embargo, una vez que finaliza sus estudios universitarios puede sà que puede disfrutar de un CPT o un OPT. Otra desventaja es que mientras que el estudiante con una F-1 sà ³lo solicita una vez el documento I-20, los estudiantes con la F-3 deben renovarlo cada semestre. 3 mitos sobre los estudiantes extranjeros en USA y las visas Frecuentemente se cree cosas en materia migratoria que no son verdaderas y acaban costando muchos disgustos. Relacionado con los estudiantes hay que destacar tres: Lo primero que hay que dejar muy claro es nunca se puede estudiar en Estados Unidos a tiempo completo cuando se tiene estatus de turista. Esto es una violacià ³n migratoria y, cuando se descubre, est dando lugar a revocaciones de las visas de los estudiantes y, cuando estos son menores, tambià ©n las de sus padres estn siendo canceladas. En segundo lugar resaltar que no se puede estudiar con una visa F-1 en una escuela de primaria pà ºblica de los Estados Unidos. Por el contrario, sà que se puede estudiar por un solo curso en una escuela pà ºblica de secundaria, lo que se conoce como high school. Pero en estos casos es necesario y obligatorio pagar las correspondientes tasas. Y no hay excepcià ³n. (No confundir con el caso de los estudiantes que estn en los Estados Unidos con una visa J-1 de intercambio). Y por à ºltimo, y en tercer lugar, tener muy claro que estudiar en la universidad en Estados Unidos no da jams derecho por sà mismo a poder quedarse a vivir en el paà s o a obtener una tarjeta de residencia, tambià ©n conocida como green card. Es cierto que los que cursan una maestrà a o estudios superiores pueden tener ciertas ventajas para obtener una visa de trabajo H-1B, pero siguen necesitando un patrocinador. En este punto es de interà ©s conocer las experiencias de estudiantes que llegaron con una visa F y obtuvieron la residencia, como el caso del espaà ±ol Miguel Pà ©rez. De interà ©s para estudiantes internacionales Las personas con interà ©s en estudiar en Estados Unidos deben informarse sobre becas, incluso en las universidades y colleges de à ©lite, requisitos para aplicar, notas de TOEFL para demostrar conocimientos e inglà ©s y cules son las mejores universidades. Asimismo, si su inglà ©s no es muy bueno o si los recursos econà ³micos no son muy amplios es recomendable familiarizarse con los Community Colleges. Para estudiar en una institucià ³n en EE.UU. frecuentemente se pide la convalidacià ³n de estudios que debe realizar una organizacià ³n autorizada. En casos ms limitados puede ser necesario obtener la Apostilla de la Haya. Esta à ºltima certificacià ³n ser requerida para homologar los estudios de EE.UU. en el paà s de origen. Finalmente, si se est estudiando fuera de los Estados Unidos es de interà ©s conocer programas de intercambio con visa J-1 que permiten realizar prcticas por un tiempo determinado o incluso trabajar durante el verano, como el programa para staff de campamentos o el de trabajo y viaje. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Biography of Diego de Almagro, Spanish Conquistador
Biography of Diego de Almagro, Spanish Conquistador Diego de Almagro (1475–July 8, 1538) was a Spanish soldier and conquistador, famous for his role in the defeat of the Inca Empire in Peru and Ecuador and his later participation in a bloody civil war among the victorious conquistadors. He rose from humble beginnings in Spain to a position of wealth and power in the New World, only to be defeated by his former friend and ally Francisco Pizarro. His name is often associated with Chile: He led an expedition of exploration and conquest there in the 1530s, although he found the land and its people too harsh and tough. Fast Facts: Diego de Almagro Known For: Helped conquer the Inca EmpireBorn: 1475 in Almagro, Castile (now Spain)Parents: Juan de Montenegro, Elvira Gutià ©rrezDied: July 8, 1538 in Cuzco, PeruSpouse: Ana Martinez Children: Diego de Almagro el Mozo Early Life Diego de Almagro was born illegitimately in Almagro, in present-day Spain, which explains why his name is based on his place of birth rather than his parents, Juan de Montenegro and Elvira Gutià ©rrez. According to most accounts, his father shunned him; when he was very young he was raised by his mother or a servant of his mother. At any rate, his parents were of little help to him as he grew up. Later, he was raised by his maternal uncle Hernn Gutià ©rrez, but he is believed to have struck out on his own around age 15. At some point, he is thought to have served in the Spanish navy. By 1514 he was in the New World- possibly after killing a man in a fight- having arrived with the fleet of Pedrarà as Dvila, a colonial administrator. A tough, determined, ruthless soldier, Almagro quickly rose through the ranks of the adventurers who were conquering the New World. He was older than most, approaching 40 by the time of his arrival in Panama. He eventually took a common-law wife, Ana Martinez, and they had a son, Diego de Almagro el Mozo. The latter part of the sons name is variously translated as the younger or the lad. Panama Gov. Dvilas first mainland outpost was created in the isthmus of Panama. The spot that Dvila picked for the settlement was humid and buggy, and the settlement struggled to survive. The highlight of this period was without a doubt Vasco Nà ºÃƒ ±ez de Balboas overland voyage that discovered the Pacific Ocean. Three of the hardened soldiers of the Panama expedition were Almagro, Francisco Pizarro, and the priest Hernando de Luque. Almagro and Pizarro were important officers and soldiers, having participated by this time in various expeditions. Exploring the South Almagro and Pizarro remained in Panama for a few years before receiving news of Hernn Cortà ©s’ stunning conquest of the Aztec Empire. Together with Luque, the two men put together a proposal to the Spanish king to outfit and direct an expedition of a conquest to the south. The Inca Empire was as yet unknown to the Spanish: they had no idea who or what they would find down south. The king accepted the proposal, and Pizarro set forth with about 200 men. Almagro remained in Panama to send men and supplies to Pizarro. Conquest of the Inca In 1532, Almagro heard that Pizarro and 170 men had captured the Inca Emperor Atahualpa and were ransoming him for a treasure unlike any the world had ever seen. Almagro hurriedly gathered reinforcements and departed for present-day Peru, catching up with his old partner in April 1533. His 150 well-armed Spaniards were a welcome sight to Pizarro. Soon the conquistadors began hearing rumors of the approach of an Inca army under Gen. Rumià ±ahui. In a panic, they decided to execute Atahualpa. The Spanish somehow managed to hold onto the Empire. Troubles with Pizarro Once the Inca Empire was pacified, Almagro and Pizarro began having troubles. The crown’s division of Peru was vague: The wealthy city of Cuzco fell under Almagro’s jurisdiction, but the powerful Pizarro and his brothers held it. Almagro went north and participated in the conquest of Quito, but the north was not as rich. Almagro seethed at what he saw as Pizarros schemes to cut him out of the New World loot. He met with Pizarro and it was decided in 1534 that Almagro would take a large force south into present-day Chile, following rumors of vast wealth. His issues with Pizarro were left unsettled. Chile The rumors turned out to be false, and the journey was arduous. The conquistadors had to cross the treacherous, mighty Andes, which took the lives of several Spaniards and countless African slaves and native allies. Once they arrived, they found Chile to be a harsh land, full of tough-as-nails Mapuche natives who fought Almagro and his men on several occasions. After two years of exploring and finding no rich empires like the Aztecs or Incas, Almagro’s men prevailed upon him to return to Peru and claim Cuzco as his own. Civil War Almagro returned to Peru in 1537 to find Manco Inca, an Inca prince who had been a puppet ruler of the Inca Empire, in open revolt against Pizarros forces, who were on the defensive in the highlands and the city of Lima. Almagros army was weary and tattered but still formidable, and he was able to drive off Manco. Almagro saw the revolt as an opportunity to seize Cuzco and quickly engaged the Spaniards who were loyal to Pizarro. He had the upper hand at first, but Pizarro sent another force up from Lima in early 1538. They soundly defeated Almagro and his men at the battle of Las Salinas. Death Almagro fled to Cuzco, but men loyal to the Pizarro brothers pursued and captured him there. Almagro was sentenced to death, a move that stunned most of the Spanish in Peru, as he had been elevated to a nobleman by the Spanish king some years before. He was executed by garrote, an iron collar slowly tightened around the neck, on July 8, 1538, and his body was put on public display. Legacy The unexpected execution of Almagro had far-reaching consequences for the Pizarro brothers, turning many against them in the New World as well as in Spain. The civil wars did not end. In 1542 Almagro’s son, then 22, led a revolt that resulted in the murder of Francisco Pizarro. Almagro the Younger was quickly caught and executed, ending Almagro’s direct line. Today, Almagro is remembered chiefly in Chile, where he is considered an important pioneer even though he left no real lasting legacy there other than having explored some of it. Pedro de Valdivia, one of Pizarro’s lieutenants, finally conquered and settled Chile. Sources Hemming, John. The Conquest of the Inca. Pan Books, 2004.Herring, Hubert. A History of Latin America From the Beginnings to the Present. Alfred A. Knopf, 1962.Diego de Almagro. Euston.Diego de Almagro. de Almagro: Spanish Conquistador. Encyclopedia Brittanica.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Three Impressionist works of art Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Three Impressionist works of art - Assignment Example This type of art used light by outlining its changing effects with time and movement. They used short strokes which were thick in painting with mixing of colors emphasizing the natural light. Impressionists founding members included Edgar Degas, Eduardo Manet, Camille Pissarro and Claude Monet among others (Dumas, 1999). Introduction Painting was the main impressionist work in Paris, France to which we are going to base our arts in three main artists (Herbert 1988). These include Clande Monet’s art on Impression, a woman with a parasol (1872), Edouard Manet’s on Olympia (1863-1865) oil in canvas and Edgar Degas on the glass of Absinthe (1876) oil in canvas. These artists can be seen as the founders of impressionism and there arts contributed a lot to the spread of impression across Europe. Their arts are among the first impressionism in the world to which they were then adopted by other artists like Giuseppe De Nittis who was an Italian, James Abbott McNeill Whistler wh o was an American among others showing how it spread across Europe (Stuart, 1993). They majorly used nature in portraying information to the people in which in this context we can see the luxury impact on women which was negative view of them as they portrayed negative behaviors on women. Similarities All of the artists are the main founders of impression. They are all believed to have contributed to the emergence as they all united during the opposing moments in showing their different types of arts. The arts are also seen to convey the message of luxury also indicating that there main objective in this type of art is to portray the culture or rather the nature of individuals in that period of time (Thomson, 2000). The three arts are seen to have portrayed the social life during that period. From Edgar’s art we are able to see the cafe with a glass of wine indicating the living standards in Paris. The glass has a drink probably alcohol which was majorly used by people of the middle and upper class status (Stuart, 1993). Edouard’s art on Olympia shows prostitute with necklace and a bracelet on the bed a servant standing next to her. Her head is on the white comfy pillow with the tucked beddings which was mainly seen in the next France by middle and upper class women. In Claude’s art on the Impression, sunrise, we can see the movement of people using a boat which is at dawn the sun portraying the upper-class (Dumas, 1999). The style used by the three artists relied on light and movement. They both use light colors to portray the brighter side and dark colors showcasing the dark side. Movement is also seen as a style used as it showed movement as we can see from Claude Monet’s art which we see a lady with an umbrella. The arts also used the technique of short strokes in painting as this was the main method used in the Impression with the mixing of colors which blended to give the outlook. They avoided the use of dark colors and mainly relied on light and vibrant colors to capture the changing effect of sunlight (Thomson, 2000). In these three types of arts we are able to see that they both tried to convey the message on the culture of the People in France during that period that is luxury. From the visual perspective, Edgar Degas’s art clearly shows how a lady who looks royal and a gentleman with a glass of Absinthe in a cafe indicating their lifestyle during leisure. The lady
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Global HRM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Global HRM - Assignment Example Hofstedes, Trompenaars, and the globe models cross-cultural dimensions had an impact on human resource management. The primary focus of these three dimensions was on human thinking, behavior of organizations in predictable situations, and feeling and acting. Although each dimension had something particular to point out, it affected HRM. One of the implications was that HRM should not consider people as groups but as individuals because in as many as people are in a group they are different. Another implication was that the predictable way might not turn out as expected. It is usually advisable to have a backup plan in case the first idea does not go through. The HRM should also have a clearly defined time frame. It can either be on short term or long term or inner versus outer time. It makes managing duty simpler because they are well classified. The other issue was to define societies in relation to their gender and uncertainties. It is also advisable for HRM to understand that ther e could be different many uncertainties, and that things do not always go through as planned (Cullen& Parboteeah,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Research on Cost Control and Management of Real Estate Project Essay Example for Free
Research on Cost Control and Management of Real Estate Project Essay This paper takes the cost control and the management of real estate project as the object in research, and analyzes and studies relevant issues. By analyzing the cost structure of real estate construction, this paper identifies problems in cost control and management of real estate construction at present. Along with the fast development of China’s economy, the real estate industry has achieved wonderful successes, pulling economic development significantly, and contributing a lot to China’s economic development. Today, real estate construction assumes more tasks. In 2008, 3,000 billion RMB enters real estate construction. The cost control and regular management of real estate construction turns into the focus. Once the construction cost is out of control, it will lead to a great waste and will bring about more pressures for property management in later. A nice cost control is meaningful for the whole real estate construction project. To realize better cost control and management of real estate construction is important for today’s harmonious society. The cost of real estate construction is composed of four parts. The first part is the land cost, accounting for 30% of the total cost. It mainly refers to cost for building land, greening land, equipped facility land, and property management land. The second part is the construction installation cost, as the main body of real estate construction cost, accounting for 20%-50% of the total cost. Among the construction installation cost, materials cost the most, accounting for 60% of construction installation cost. The third part is the cost for equipments and machines, accounting for 1%-3% of the total cost. This part is mainly for meeting the needs of operations, management, and maintenance. The fourth part is other cost, accounting for more than 15% of the total cost. It is difficult to control this part. It mainly includes the cost for investigation and design, the cost for project supervision, and the cost for infrastructure. In special, the management cost usually surpasses the budget, which is the largest part that is hard to control in real estate construction. The management cost is only accounting for 1% of the total cost. But the absolute amount is large. It is easy for the construction company costing more in management. At present, serious problems exist in the cost control and management of real estate construction. For example, for some real estate construction, the design is earlier than the study of feasibility, which makes the later turn into useless. In bidding, some construction companies perform illegally, which makes the bidding fail to control project cost well. The popularization of assigned subcontracts and various subcontracts serve as potential threats for project quality. The delay for project payment, especially for workers’ wages, is serious. Some projects can not manage the changes of designs. Construction companies fail to follow the designs completely, which may lead to larger costs for construction. Some construction companies emphasize on the control of quality and period but fail to control the cost. All these activities make the cost of real estate construction out of control in China, which is harmful for the sustainable and healthy development of real estate industry . * Fail to Estimate the Project Exactly: Investment estimation is performed at the very beginning, namely in the study of feasibility. Present compilation of study of feasibility is lack of details. No effective items to control the number of project. The estimation has a lower preciseness. Besides, the study of feasibility has no necessary investigation. Some potential geological disasters can not be identified effectively, which leads to the rise of costs. Although some companies make â€Å"details for implement†, the effect is poor. In order to establish the project, some companies may reduce the number of project and decrease costs. * The Compilation of Project Budget Has Poor Reliability: At the stage of design, the investigation is far from sufficient. Some fundamental materials for design are inexact. As a result, the design may be irrational and will be changed significantly in construction, which causes the poor reliability of budget. * Working Drawing Budget is Unpractical: At the working drawing design stage, compile the project budget according to the design. The working drawing budget is to calculate the cost of design. The rationality of working drawing budget is about how to organize the construction and how to reach the design requirements by what kinds of methods, plus how to arrange the construction period, and how to manage workers and machines under different seasons, according to scientific designs. All these tasks are supposed to be arranged by construction companies. For design companies, to compile the budget is unpractical. * Do not Follow Basic Construction Procedures and Cannot Control Costs: For some projects, time is urgent. Therefore, the design is maybe imperfect. And the construction does not follow the basic procedures strictly. Sometimes, the study of feasibility turns into useless papers. As a result, the estimation and the budget cannot control the project cost effectively. * Contract is not Managed Well, Especially for Subcontracts and External Workers: Some real estate developers neglect to manage contracts. They do not follow the terms written in contracts strictly. Besides, some developers cannot calculate the cost of project quantities correctly. They are incapable of managing external workers effectively. * Irregular Management and Many Changes for Project: Real estate developers cannot design properly and have to change the management methods. Or, the execution is weak. They can change the design as will. Then, the scale of project is increasing and the cost is rising. * The Financing Structure is Unreasonable and Depends on One Financing Channel too Much, Which Contributes to the Rise Of Costs: At present, the funds for real estate construction in China are mainly from domestic loans, foreign funds, self-collected by construction companies, and other sources. Although financing ways are few and some are immature, limits are more. Sometimes, funds can not arrive in time. In order to insure the process of project, the construction companies have to apply loans from banks. Therefore, a large proportion of construction funds are from banks as loans. And the credit period is long and cannot match with investment return. The characteristics of real estate industry determine the lagged-behind investment return. One financing channel increases risks and costs, which leads to the accumulation of loan balance in banks, increasing construction costs and pressures for later in operation. * Cost Management is Unscientific. Lack the Idea of Cost Control. System is Imperfect. Management Cost Is High: By auditing lots of projects, we find that management is one of factors that cause overspending. Main items that cause overspending include management fees, compensation fees for removing, and supervision. Main reasons include: Lack a perfect cost control system and cannot manage and control the cost systematically, which makes it hard to identify the out-of-control of cost in time. Lack the idea of cost control and the constraint mechanism. Project managers are always focusing on quality and construction period, but not cost control. The absence of system makes the expenditure more irregular. No integrated standards for management fee are effective. Workers are more than necessary in construction companies.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Development of Neighborhoods in Chicago Essay -- City Development, Eth
Chicago in the 1920s was a turning point for the development of ethnic neighborhoods. After the opening of the first rail connection from New York to Chicago in the 1840s, immigration sky rocketed from that point on. Majority of the immigrants to Chicago were Europeans. The Irish, Italians, eastern European Jews, Germans, and Mexicans were among the most common ethnicities to reside in Chicago. These groups made up the greater part of Chicago. The sudden increase in immigration to Chicago in the 1920s soon led to an even further distinguished separation of ethnicities in neighborhoods. The overall development of these neighborhoods deeply impacted how Chicago is sectioned off nowadays. Without these ethnicities immigrating to Chicago almost 100 years ago, Chicago neighborhoods would not be as culturally defined and shaped as they are today. Immigration to America from Europe was at an all time high in the mid-1800s. After the potato famine in Ireland in the 1840s, a large group of Irish immigrated to the United States. Since then, increasing numbers of Irish people have been moving to the United States, especially in Chicago. The Irish had come to realize that the United States really is the land of opportunity. With jobs being available to the immigrants, many more shipped in to start new lives for their families. However, for quite a while they did not live in the nicest of areas in Chicago. Many of the Irish resided in low-class areas such as overcrowded parts around the Loop, and out in the West Side. Not only did the West Side shelter the Irish, but many Germans and Jews lived in that area. Ethnicities wanted to be with their own race. This began the movement of the development of ethnic neighborhoods. Although many et... ... many immigrants faced discrimination, thus leaving them no choice but to live in the slums of some areas and try fight their way up to success. Many of these ethnic groups still reside where their relatives first lived when they arrived many years ago, whereas a majority of the ethnic groups have dispersed all over the Chicago land area, creating many culturally mixed neighborhoods. Ultimately, all of these ethnic groups found their rightful area in which they belong in Chicago. To this day, the areas in Chicago that the different ethnic immigrants moved to back in the 1920s are very much so the same. These immigrants have a deep impact on the development of neighborhoods in today’s society. Without the immigrants’ hard work and their ambition to establish a life for their families and their future, Chicago would not be as developed and defined as it is now.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Biggest Issues Facing Managers
Alando Ford MGT521/Management Jim Holst October 25, 2009 Retention One of the most pressing challenges facing today’s managers is keeping their best people. In today’s economy companies separate themselves by the talented people they recruit. Some ways companies can improve their retention rate are obvious. One way companies can cut turnover is by qualifying the personnel they are hiring and carefully analyzing what the different roles in their organization are. Next they must make a realistic decision regarding what skills and abilities are required to fill this role. Recent research has proven that there is a direct link between training and employee retention. Employees involved in ongoing training feel that their employer is interested in them doing a good job, and the employer cares enough about them to make an investment in their development. â€Å"Training can also be the means for positive change in any organization; however, training is not enough to create lasting change without a vital link that will help employees transfer what they learned into real-life application. That vital link is a strong coaching program. Coaching comprise the following features which needs to be articulated in the best manner in order to get one hundred percent from the employees†. (Mirsha, Remedies for the biggest challenges in business today, pg. 1 para. 3). Strategy and cost effective business models â€Å"Personally I believe that the most difficult task is finding a positive cash flow business model. It isn’t that difficult to source good products, and customers will appear if sufficient money is spent on advertising or other promotion. This is all pointless if the cost exceeds the revenue from all of this, i. e. he net assets of a business fall to zero, and the business ceases to operate†. (Mark McIlroy-Director, Blue Sky Technology) With the economy in a crisis and unemployment at staggering rates, businesses of all types are feeling the crunch. Companies must continue to focus on customer service. This practice will help retain their existing client base, while allowing them to make a posi tive impression on new customers. In the flow of business, people are the most important element no matter the product or service. Creating partnerships reduce costs and increase referral rates when companies align themselves. Even the most pessimistic of economists today are saying that the actual numbers in the current recessions are a reduction in gross domestic product (GDP) by two percent annually and just through 2009, and yet most businesses talk and act if business is off thirty percent. (Johnese, 2009, Today’s Business Professional) So, the number one challenge is to realize that it might be harder to do business right now, but there’s more business to be done, market share to be gained, while the other guy sits around or slows down waiting for things to improve. †(Stephen Kann- CEO at Policy Settlement Associates, Inc. Conclusion By understanding the factors that drive business in today’s economy companies will be better prepared to be successful in this market. They will have to rely more on the skills and tools they have available. They will have to become more aggressive when it comes to recruiting and retaining good employees. Companies need to continue to revamp o lder processes that no longer work, by adding newer more innovative systems. Companies should understand that the challenge that lies ahead is transitioning from a service provider to a business manager. This transition will be necessary; if the primary goal of the business is to make money. Companies will be able to increase their profits while minimizing their losses. Admin (2009, February 16). Today’s Small Business Challenges. Retrieved from http://www. babeofbusiness. com Johnese, Daniel (2007). Today’s Business Professional. Retrieved from http://www. jobbankusa. com Mishra, Sonika(2008,October 13). Employee Retention- Remedies for the Biggest Challenge in Business Today. Retrieved from http://www. articlesbase. com
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Final Descriptive Writing
Anton Meriwether When you are trying to write a descriptive piece then it is best to describe everything in a very visual way to that would make the reader use it's five senses. Using the five senses in a descriptive writing really elevates your piece and makes it stand out. I'm from a small city in northern Indiana where not many people visit even actually hardly at all. The city is off the coast of Lake Michigan which creates a slight cold breeze in middle of December and all of January. The city is called Michigan City, Indiana.Have you ever heard of The Blue Chip Casino? Of course you have I mean who haven't. The Blue Chip Casino is like a boat casino and it is also the tallest building in the whole city. The Casino sits at one end Of Michigan Blvd which is one of the main roads in the city and also one of the longest. Another thing about the city is a place called The Dunes. The Dunes is a big sand hill that depending on the weather will burn your feet. The Dunes is a great plac e to go if you're looking to have some fun walking n sand and also going to the beach.Hearing the beach at night just calms you down no matter what is going on because, hearing the breeze flow over the lake creates a sound that can't be mimicked by technology which is very rare nowadays. Michigan City is a good place to visit but of course every city has its down falls I mean Atlanta is too big like huge for no reason at all, no seriously, really dumb big and parking is expensive and can't even drive yet and I'm saying, it's just ridiculous, but back to the task at hand. One problem aboutMichigan City is the weather, if you are not used to cold weather or don't like it then it's not your place because it gets freezing, iceman, Antarctica, I'm staying inside the house cold. That is a descriptive writing that includes all five senses. When you use all the senses then you are truly writing a descriptive writing, because how can you describe something without using the senses, I mean, y ou not even describing anything all you are doing is just talking about it and that won't get my attention. I hope this helps you become a better descriptive writer.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Saahil Patel Essays - African-American Culture, Music, Free Essays
Saahil Patel Essays - African-American Culture, Music, Free Essays Saahil Patel Global Hip Hop January 24, 2016 Gilroy talks about the black culture in a very emotional way in The Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness. Gilroy opens by talking about how authenticity has always been a challenge in the black community and how they will always will. He also touches on ideas from other famous philosophers such as W.E.B. Du Bois and Zora Neale Hurston over authenticity' and it s advanced perceptions li ke truthfulness and attraction. By using the metaphor "the black Atlantic ," Gilroy says that the black community has to be able to adapt to the different influences to be able to survive and overcome challenges that may come up in the future. In the chapter one, Gilroy talks all the aspects of political opinions. He makes an argument that the Atlantic music was a response during the 1960s. During this time, Gilroy brings up the idea of double consciousness that was expressed between the Europeans as well as African Americans. A lot of these individuals had not found their true identity and were confused about why they were treated differently than others. He brings up many interesting points such as cultural formations and social analysis where races had to do self-reflecting for the first time in many years. When Gilroy goes through to talk about ethnic authenticity , he says that a lot of it was driven through music. When music started to come out and races would listen to certain genres , society would directly tie that particular race with that type of music. It shows that the history of black Atlantic community was classified based of the type of music they would listen to. As Gilroy said, "T hose inherited from Africa, and those generated from the special bitterness of new world racial slavery ." According to Gilroy he is saying that is the specific definition of authentic black music. However, I believe there is no way to be able to identify what that actually means. He was simply grouping all music that was created by Africans and said it was coming from the motherland of Africa. Gilroy ignores the place of where the songs were originated in and goes on to argue that it is a problem from within the community. An example would be Nas , also known as Nasir Jones. Over his rap career he talked a lot about how all of African history is world history. Nas brings up an interesting point saying that whenever there are any problems in society, Africans tend to have problems with other races as well that classifies it as world history. Nas also has criticized the quality of hip-hop music. In many interviews he talks about how they he wants his music to reach people in Africa and show them that things have changed. Even if there are cultural differences between the two nations, he still wants his music to get to everyone around the world. Another example who m also displayed a very similar message was Jay Z . Even though Nas never became has famous as Jay Z, they both were trying to get the same message across the table. Jay and Nas beca me two of the most influential artists over a period of time to help change that co ntemporary hip-hop music to a more historical side. It was driven more to help educate a widespread community that all had the same taste in music and to prove a point. Even in recent tracks such as "Bridging the Gap," Nas talks about how they need bend music genres together and not worry about where the origin is, but more to put more emphases on the meaning behind the music. Nas was one of the few to stay away from rapping about the generic topics that most rappers stick too such as; drugs, gang violence, and growing up being poor. He was able to use African history to bring together the community and make a new name for contemporary hip hop. Kanye West, much like many philosophers, wanted to spread his ideas of humanity through his music. Most of West's songs are about race and how recent violence has once again
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The-3-Step-Formula-to-Getting-Your-Dream-Job Want a simple formula to attracting your dream job? Ryan Niessen over at CareerRealism breaks it down like this: Practical Value + Intrinsic Value = Total Perceived ValueWhat if your eligibility for the jobs you’ve always wanted to wasn’t based on how valuable you are in the marketplace, or how many jobs there are, or your past salary? What if it was all about â€Å"Perceived Value†? Let’s break down the terms even more.1. Practical ValueWhat you do. Take the example of a car, which drives, parks, has air bags, etc. For you, practical value is the skills that you have, like coding or architecture or content management or publicity strategizing or grant-writing or proofreading like a champ. You can still take measures to increase your practical value, like taking a class or getting a certification. Those things are real, and they matter!But! There’s also the subjective factor of your Intrinsic Value.2.Intrinsic ValueHow your prospective employe rs see you. To extend the car example, think of the difference between a Volvo and a BMW. They do the exact same things and have many of the same parts, but one is way fancier (and more expensive) than the other and functions as a status symbol. This is related to branding and perception, not to the actual practical worth of the car.3. Total Perceived ValueSo how do you position yourself as even more valuable than you are? To boost your Perceived Value, cultivate an image of yourself with the following qualities:ExclusiveRareDifferentExcitingOriginalContrarianPopularBoast these qualities via your resume and cover letter, of course, but also show your employers you have the practical value they’re seeking and the intrinsic value that will make them look good for hiring:Cultivate a poised, intelligent presence on LinkedIn and Facebook, and if possible, on your own website or blog.Don’t let your blog be a parking lot for your contact info- post your take on articles related to your field, write recaps of networking events or conferences, and maintain a friendly, professional social media presence to support it.â€Å"Authentically and confidently express yourself†- whenever you have the chance to take a stand on an issue, stand with it or against it thoughtfully and sincerely.This is all all within your control, and will produce a more confident, capable you on the other side. What boss wouldn’t love that?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Bacterium Capsule Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Bacterium Capsule - Research Proposal Example It is a layer that lies outside the cell wall of bacteria, it is well organized and it is not easily washed off. This makes it diffuse through the tracheal system. Its slime layer diffuses into the surrounding medium as a loosen-demarcated secretion. The capsule usually consists of polysaccharides and is water soluble thus dissolves in the moisturize tracheae through the spiracles. Thus they are difficult to stain using standard stains as they do not adhere to the capsule (Chapman, 2004). Since the capsule remains pale and colorless, it is difficult to be detected and appears as a ring around the cell. The tracheae are water filled as they consist of a permeable membrane of the surrounding tissues which make the capsule soluble since it is water soluble. The water level, however, retracts due to the increase in the concentration of lactic acid found in the muscle cells during the respiration system. The capsule contains external chemical sensors which therefore detects the concentration of lactic acid, lowering the water potential in the system which is then drawn back into the cells through osmosis process while the capsule gets closer to the muscle cells. While the diffusion pathway is reduced as a result, the capsule can then be transferred more easily through the tracheal. The bacterium capsule is typically stimulated for easy movement throughout the system. The neurosecretory cells made in the cell body consist of the prothoracic gland which acts as circulatory s ystem storage gland and hormonal control of insect molting (Ulrich, 2009).
Friday, November 1, 2019
A Rose for Emily Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
A Rose for Emily - Research Paper Example This situation injured Emily and her world was divided into before and after. Representing the main character the author makes an allusion to the New South. By such type of personification and allusion the author shows the New South as independent and mighty fighter for rights. The story is worth-discussing, thus the given paper will try to answer the question why Emily arouses sympathy with readers notwithstanding that she is a murderer. The first issue that will be discussed is the correlation of past and present as well as their confrontation. The main heroine Emily still lived in her past, thus she suffered a lot. She was not ready to get rid of the ties, which were important for her. From this side the murder of Homer can be easily explained. She did it intentionally. He was her lover and she wanted to keep him and the feeling, so the best way to do that was to murder him. The reader can feel a motif of independence and superciliousness. Emily scorned all the tittle-tattles abou t her private and social life that appeared in the town. Her relations with her beloved Homer belonged to her private life and the main problem of her social life was her refusal to pay taxes that became the subject of gossips. The act of murder can be interpreted as a symbol of independence. We can notice that this independence is also portrayed in her appearance. â€Å"She carried her head high enough - even when we believed that she was fallen. It was as if she demanded more than ever the recognition of her dignity as the last Grierson; as if it had wanted that touch of earthiness to reaffirm her imperviousness†(p.82). Iron-grey hear of Emily arouses a number of associations. Emily tried to live and conduct her personal life without any superstitions. The important question is what the hidden sense is and how it was depicted by the author. There are a lot of interpretations that refer to the plot of this story, its concealed meaning and secret sense. It is essential one s hould pay special attention to the methods and devices, which were applied by the author to create intrigue. Faulkner is not only a great narrator, but also a master of symbolism and characterization (O'Connor). It was mentioned that the iron-grey hair of Emily symbolized strength and independence. Another important symbol is the rose. It is one of the main and the most significant symbols in the story. If to analyze the story deeper it is possible to see that characters of the story are the prototypes of Old and New South (Fetterley 194). In order to understand the character of the main heroine better, it is essential to pay special attention to Homer Barron; the author depicted him as one of those men who liked to drink with younger guys. Women usually do not like such behavior and Emily was not an exception: â€Å""She will persuade him yet," because Homer himself had remarke
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