Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Decoding the Jargon Essay
Create a booklet which explain the function of hardware components and identify communication between components. The pages should include photographs and diagrams to illustrate the information you include. (P1) Components communication The following diagram shows how components communicate each other’s. CPU Also known as the processor, the CPU is the heart of the computer and has two part: Control Unit The control unit controls the flow of data through the processor. Arithmetic/Logic unit (ALU) The ALU performs mathematical, logical, and decision operations in a computer and is the final processing performed by the processor. RAM A computer can only run a program when it is in memory named RAM (Random Access Memory). List of RAM such as: Double data rate synchronous dynamic random access memory (DDR SDRAM), Static Random access memory (SRAM) and Dynamic random access memory (DRAM). Hard drive A HHD is a data storage device that provides storage and retrieving digital information. Serial Storage Architecture (SSA) is a serial transport protocol used to attach disk drives to server computers. A solid-state drive (SSD) it contains no actual â€Å"disk†, it is a data storage device using integrated circuit assemblies as memory to store data. It is more quiet when it runs, more resistant to physical shock, has a lower access time and less latency. Motherboard The motherboard is the main circuit board inside a computer. A number of major hardware components are plugged into it, including the CPU, hard drive, the BIOS memory and RAM. The most commonly found and used motherboard is ATX motherboard. It is the standard motherboard which suit to any desktop computer. Fan A computer fan is any fan inside, or attached to, a computer case used for active cooling, and may refer to fans that draw cooler air into the case from the outside, expel warm air from inside, or move air across a heat sink to cool a particular component. CPU fan: Use to cool the CPU heat sink. Graphic card Fan: The specific fan to cool down the temperature of graphic card. PSU fan: The power supply unit fan play two rules that cool down the itself and removing the warm air from the case. PSU A power supply unit converts mains AC to low-voltage regulated DC power for internal components of computer. DVD DVD is digital optical disc that can store a large amount of digital data such as text, music, image or video. b. Add a new section to the booklet to explain the purpose of TWO different Operating Systems and compare the features functions of these operating systems. (P2, M1) Window 8 is the latest vision of the Windows operating system, which was developed by Microsoft. It acts as an interface between the hardware and the user. Purpose of Windows 8 The operating system was made for personal, home or business user in the desktop, laptop, tablet and smartphone market. It makes computer easy for users to control. 1. Graphical User interface The windows operating system designed originally to replace MS-DOS, which make the computer interface more user-friendly and allows you to use your mouse to operate. Windows 8 come with a new and unique kind of use interface (UI) called Metro. 2. Accessibility. Windows 8 increase the accessibility which includes features to enable disable people to use the computer more easily, such as: Optimize visual display to allow people to see more cleanly on screen, turn on audio description for people who are blind, adjust the setting of mouse for people are using different hand. 3. Multitasking Windows 8 provided people with the ability to do multitask more easily and steady. The Graphical User Interface makes easier to navigate from different tasks. 4. A Standard Part of windows’ purpose is to create a standard for third-part software developers. All windows programs will feature in a standard format, such as the position of menu options, the way programme opened and closed down. Purpose of DOS DOS known as Disk operating system that allow people to manage the storage devices such as hard disk, solid disk, flash disk or floppy disk. DOS is the basic system that people have to using Command line prompt to communicate with computer via simple interface which is not â€Å"friendly†user interface. The DOS can’t run multitask on computer which can only load one program until it finished. But some of the features still quite useful that people still use it. Such as: 5. CHKDSK 6. GBUPDATE 7. IPCONFIG 8. PING 9. FDISK Comparison of two operating systems We can see there are many different between those two computer operating system which the Windows 8 operating system have a lots of advance features and higher performance that suit to nowadays. The DOS system usually used to be run a specific program which prevents any virus or hacker attack in the solo computer such as sale program, data base in the hospital or council data base. c. In your document explain the purpose of different software utilities which is available. Explain how software utilities can improve the performance of computer systems (P3, D1) Windows 8 Utility Virus Protection The specific program used to prevent viruses, worms and Trojans which attached in the email or website. Every computer need to install an anti-virus software and have upgrade its regular that make sure the computer more securer. Firewall The Firewall is the software that build up to prevent attack from hacker which build a protective barrier in your computer when your computer connect to the network. It controlled which software’s data can thought the network and monitored the data thought the computer. Clean-up Tools The system utility that clean up system’s rubbish to make computer running more steady and smoothly. The list of clean-up content such as: Removal of cookies Internet history Defragmentation Drive formatting Drive formatting that means to delete everything on the drive or partition to install operating system or classify your partition. You can do it from Disk management or using Formatting Command in Command prompt just like type command in the DOS OS. Utility of DOS CHKDSK Checks a disk and repair your data that might lose or corrupt from take off your disk incorrectly or your computer lost electricity when it was running. The CHKDSK help computer more secure and repair the corruption when it detects. Ping is a computer network utility that to test how quickly the host to connect to the server. This utility could help user easier to check the connectivity with network. FDISK is utility software which using on DOS to partitioning disk and manage the partition. The FDISK that formatting your disk completely that not be able to recovery and it the common tool that used in 1990s during now. Scandisk is the command to run disk-repair on the current drive. DEFRAG is Command to reorganizes files on disks to optimize performance. DEBUG is command to run Debug, a program testing and editing tool.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Human experience and moral Essay
To remember that it is human experience and moral values that will last forever and remained unchanged, and the growth of human conscience further awakens to a newer and better future experiences are not dropped to mere past rather they become a recollection and a refraction to a discovery of new you. The door: not just a big wooden barrier to the entrance of our house but also an explosion to my emotions. Goodbyes were being said as happy birthdays? It was confusion that began to consume my mind and heart as my parents walked out the door not knowing when I will see them again. Excitement, happiness and joyfulness flowing along my blood as I began to realize I am alone and everything my eyes spotted belonged to me. Heaven was the chosen word by my desensitized numbness mind. However, a feeling of guilt made this question interrupt my thoughts, `Do I have the right to enjoy this joyful moment of being alone, knowing that my father is going for a battle for his survival? ` As I was climbing the stair case to regain my nest, where all the gatherings and the devious planning of good times were held, I ignored my feeling of guilt and the purpose of my father’s journey and I started thinking, â€Å"Hey! Let the fun begin! †Little was my knowledge about chance and choice. To the very least, I only knew their denotations. What happened to my father was neither his choice nor of the family but certainly a chance and for what chance it was, I did not know and did not strive to know. I saw everything as a pure chance. With parents’ away and no exact time when to be home; it was a real chance to own my time – a chance to go party everyday, stay up late, go to school late, and skip classes, neglecting the fact that along chances are series of choices and the interplay of the two alongside my treatment determines the quality of my life. I allowed myself to be fully consumed with the false jollification of life. Partying with friends was a gauge for fulfillment. Shouts and yells became the expression of being fully alive. I was unmindful of my dad who was into a different tone of shouting and yelling for pain and survival. We were at the opposite poles on the single line of human feeling. Instead of reaching out, I moved away. Going to parties everyday meant staying up late at night. It resulted to going to school late and even skipping classes and the rest was a worse, if not worst, history of an irresponsible student and woman. The chain effects of my single unrecognized and unmeditated act delivered me to a world of guilt and shame and if nourished by pride, I will be lured forever into false happiness. I messed up my life! Where am I to start? Where do I begin? Never can a plant, young or not, die when its branches are cut. Roots have to be found and uprooted. The same is true with my case. What is the root of my insensitivity to my family’s case? Certainly, it wasn’t about going to party, cutting and skipping classes, etc. It was about how I viewed and dealt with what’s going on around. It was about having certain chances and making the right choices where decision making, anticipating, and understanding come in. True enough, it is only when I failed and committed mistakes that I came to realize: had I thought things over and anticipated before acting, I wouldn’t be this bad and guilty, and had I thought that I have the choice to do what is right and not act on emotional satisfaction and childishness, I wouldn’t be messing my life this way and made my parents disappointed. My life is a chance and how I live it is a choice – its quality is in my hands. How should I live it? â€Å"Wherever you go the sky will always be blue†. This line rang a bell to my ear. Certain things around are given for what they are and neither you nor I have the power to change them. And life is not about changing what we cannot but moving towards what is, for the whole humanity, true and therefore unchangeable. The truth is, what is true and unchangeable aims for ‘what is good’ and what is good surpasses any age, color, time, gender, religion, and whatever differences we have. The whole existence of life should be directed towards ‘doing good’, and its meaning is not our own selfish definition but the one true word – LOVE. It was sad to admit that I was not excuse for failing to recognize what good I should have done that very moment of my life, but it would be bitter if I continue to dwell in that past and live miserably. While I did that mistake of falling into that dark pit of human existence, I will always have the choice of going out and live life on the banner of goodness and all I need is the staff of caution and discrimination to continue living and making the right choices for every chances that come my way. To remember that it is human experience and moral values that will last forever and remained unchanged, and the growth of human conscience further awakens to a newer and better future, I will always, not just remember, do good for the rest of my life. Merge the whole of myself in my eyes, and go towards the vision, go towards the vision, go towards the vision.
Emotional Functioning And Social Competence
This article is more of a research paper and review on previous studies than new experimental findings. This paper tries to make a connection between emotional functioning and social competence (popularity) of a child. The definition used in this paper of social competence is â€Å"the ability to be effective in the realization of social goals. †This can also be viewed as the ability to influence peers and their activities. Peers of the children were chosen as the source of competence evaluations. This research was based on six different emotional functions and abilities. Children’s understanding of emotions, their identification of their own emotions, emotion regulation, practice of emotion display rules, their sympathetic response, and their mood states. Understanding of emotions seems very closely correlated to peer social status of a child. The ability to understand emotions also implies the ability to judge the social context in many situations, allowing the child to make â€Å"relevant comments and [engage] in group-oriented behavior. †This ability allows the child to â€Å"engage successfully in cooperative play for sustained periods of time. †There was no direct evidence that the ability to identify one’s own emotion has an impact on social competence of a child. However, it is logical that being able to identify one’s own emotions would help understand the emotional states of others. Emotion regulation also seems to play a key role in the social competence of a child. Most children realize that they are in charge of their emotions and that emotions can be altered. As children get older, successful play will require more self control because there will be many situations where â€Å"negotiation of conflict†is necessary. Children who are able to display more self-control will be perceived as a more desirable play partners. It has also been found that â€Å"social popularity is inversely related to overt anger incidents. †It seems that the more popular children are better at coping with anger inducing situations. The concept of emotional display rules is similar to emotion regulation. Emotional display rules are the rules that are followed so as to keep the peace and balance in a social setting. Certain emotions are not appropriate for some situations. It is difficult to quantitatively assess how well a child uses emotional display rules, but it follows logically that a child who is well liked by his peers will be able to properly display or mask his emotions in a given situation. Since sympathy requires one to be â€Å"other-oriented,†meaning understanding the distress of others from their point of view, it would require some emotional control. Both teachers and peers describe popular children as more cooperative and helpful than the average child, and rejected children as less helpful. However, there was no direct evidence for concluding that social status can be predicted from sympathetic responding. Mood states of a child can also be a factor in whether that child is a desirable playmate or not. Children who routinely display positive moods are better liked by their peers. Moody children tend to be disliked by their peers. However, it is difficult to determine cause and effect of this. From this article, a child’s social status and popularity has great correlation to the emotional functionality of that child. We do not always know, as with many other psychological studies, what the cause is and what the effect is. This seems to be the case with the mood states of the children. However, in all the other cases, the cause seems to be the emotional functionality of the child and the effect is popularity. So should we teach our children to be more emotionally stable and functional? Should we make our children conform to society’s standards to be â€Å"popular? †I see nothing wrong with it. We can make our society more utopian by making sure that our children are emotionally functional and that all the children are accepted by each other. As those children grow to be adults, they can be more cooperative and productive, making a overall better society.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Can you make up a topic for me Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Can you make up a topic for me - Essay Example times still carries out illicit affairs but they are done secretly and the wife may never be aware of what is happening and when a discovery is made, it completely shatters the marriage. In this type of marriage just like in a polygamous one, the woman is still the one to suffer and do it alone as she is expected to remain faithful. Engels does not see anything wrong with such an arrangement which I also disagree with as it is not only unreasonable but it disregards the woman’s sexuality as well downplaying it to no importance at all. The question heavy in my mind is whether monogamous marriages are really worth it if the men are still picking up the polygamous culture but doing it secretly (Engels 2004). I agree with the explanations Yuval-Davis provides about how women and their decision making ability even on their own reproduction is denied to them. They are made to listen to the policies being made and follow the directives given to them but not to complain. Women are not given a choice when it comes to their reproductive system as they are forced to have babies to continue the bloodline, fill a nation or even for social status. In cases where Malthusian theory is being practiced, the female children born or unborn are killed and only the male survive and this is decided by the man and not the woman. Women simply have no powers whether it is productive or reproductive roles and they are simply like automatons controlled by the men and made to do what the men want and this is absolutely unfair (Yuval-Davis 1997). I agree that the society has continually put pressure on women to agree with them about each and everything concerning their lives and have even moved to their reproductive life. Reproduction is the one thing that is and should remain private in a woman’s life and she should therefore hold all the reins when it comes to decisions about her reproductive health. She should be the one to make decisions about whether she wants a child or not and
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Individual Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Individual Project - Essay Example It is due to the reason that the values and choices of different cultures are extensively unparallel and a single product or service with it common features are somewhat inefficient to satisfy the needs of these ethnic groups. For instance, the failure of Walt Disney’s marketing strategy adapted especially focussing on the Eastern Region comprising of Mainland China and Hong Kong was due to the company’s misinterpretations of the cultural diversities of these two economies. To be included, both the cultures enjoy vacations for two-three days during the Lunar New Year which was categorised as the special days by the company. In this case, the company issued large number of discount tickets to both the ethnic groups in 2006. This incidentally increased the number of eligible customers to an amount which was uncontrollable by the company and therefore headed to a dramatic failure of the company’s marketing scheme (Bradsher, 2006). Apart from Walt-Disney, there are n umerous companies operating in the multicultural market which have faced various issue related to the concept of multicultural marketing. ... Critical Issues Faced by Managers Evidences reveal that marketing is not the same as it was according to the traditional notions. Today, marketing has grown to be much wider and complex in its realistic practices accumulating numerous variables ranging from the customers’ income level to their needs and their cultures as well. It is due to the fact, that marketing at present is all about serving the customers according to their needs and choices in order to gain a certain amount of profit and achieve the optimum organisational goal. Therefore, it is quite essential for a marketer to know the targeted market, i.e. its cultural perceptions along with the economic values. It is in this context that managers, as marketers and leaders of an organisation face certain major issues while executing their marketing strategies focussing on a multicultural paradigm (Trompenaars & Woolliams, 2004). Ethical Issues Ethical challenges are one of the major issues faced by the managers in order to serve their ultimate customer group in a multicultural market. There are various influencing factors affecting the strategic philanthropy of multicultural marketing active in the given business environment of an organisation. Notably, globalisation is one such factor influencing the strategic decisions of marketers in virtue of multicultural dimensions. For instance, the total amount of world trade was recorded to grow more than six times from 1950 to 2000. As a result, the annual outflow of FDI increased to a record height of $1.3 trillion in the year 2000. This certain fact depicts the expansion of business in global terms and its long-lasting affect on the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Fundamentals of Managing People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Fundamentals of Managing People - Essay Example Wages, Training, safety, diversity, work-life balance as well as health and wellness are some of the core employee priorities. When these are fulfilled, quality output is guaranteed. Additionally, when this delicate balance is attained, employees are able to foster team spirit among themselves as well as loyalty to their employees. Employers on the other hand will experience lower employee turnover rates which eventually lead to reduced profits (Hall, 2003:46). Work life balance is an essential part of the puzzle because every employee has a family and friends outside the employment scope. Many an employee has left their jobs because it does not adequately cater for this particular need. Changed Employee Priorities A decade or so ago, the highest priority for most employees was developing their careers. Today, the tips of the scale have changed. Most employees are more interested in having both a family and a good career and most would leave a job owing to reasons related to work lif e balance (Palundi, 2012:77). It is essential for one to pursue achievement and joy in not only the job but also in one’s personal sphere. Enjoyment in this case means pride, celebration, happiness, a general sense of well being and satisfaction in the job that they do. This has in turn led various companies in the globe to offer competitive packages that offer flexible practices concerning work-life practices. Paid work and family care are the most essential elements of work family balance. However, work-life also includes education, volunteering and recreation. Work-life allows employees to share their time with both the job and their family and still produce quality results. Employers need to understand that work-life balance is important to the employee. However, the employee also has a role to play in ensuring that his needs are met so that his productivity is optimal. It is the employee’s chief responsibility to ensure that he congratulates himself on work well d one and keeps motivating himself (Hall, 2003:79). In addition, it is up to him to give himself a break when he deserves one. He also needs to set boundaries between his professional and personal lives. The management and the employees have to agree on a program that will enhance a positive balance of the two. In a recent study, it was estimated that in every five employees, two are not satisfied with the balance between their private lives and the professional ones. Long working hours, long commutes, increased pressure at work, changing demographics and the deterioration of boundaries between work and life are some of the contributing factors to the dissatisfaction. Employers who ignore this vital element in their employees’ lives will experience high turnover rates, unhappy employees as well as low morale. All employees need to realize that their employees are more interested in assistance programs to better their loves holistically more that monetary compensation (Marchingt on and Wilkinson, 2005:135) It goes without saying there it is not possibly to achieve a perfect balance between work and life. Once cannot be able to schedule equal number of hours to all the many aspects of work and life (Beauregard, 2009:83). Trying to do this will frustrate the employee since it will end up being both unrealistic as well as unrewarding. Additionally, it is worth noting that the balance will keep varying as time progresses, even as little as on an everyday basis. For example, the balance that used
Friday, July 26, 2019
Marketing Plan and Questionnaire Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Marketing Plan and Questionnaire - Assignment Example Political aspect †¢ Stability in the political environment within the United Kingdom America. †¢ Democracy been practiced in the political processes. †¢ Cordial relationship across the globe. †¢ Political regime has created a conducive environment for business people through political goodwill. Economic aspect †¢ The GDP of the United Kingdom has improved from 1.7% in 2013 to 2.6% in 2014. †¢ The inflation rate in the United Kingdom is relatively low. currently at 1.8% †¢ Formation of trade blocs such as EU. †¢ The unemployment rate in UK has dropped to 5.5% while the wage rise by 2%. †¢ Per capita income of the United Kingdom has increased from $41,776.80 in 2013 to $45,603.30 in 2014 Social aspect †¢ The population in the United Kingdom and the globe is increasing. †¢ There are different age groups in the UK who demand different products. †¢ There are different social-classes i.e. Upper class, middle-class, and lower class . History aspect †¢ Nightwear have been worn in the UK for a long time ever since 1880s. Technological aspect †¢ Designing of nightwear should satisfy the clients †¢ Production processes involved should be efficient has technology evolves. †¢ Enhancement in the Platform for conducting business e.g. online marketing. †¢ Transfer and adoptability of technology in apparel industry. †¢ Cost versus benefit of a given technology need to be analyzed. Environment aspect
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Being a leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Being a leader - Essay Example What matters, are the characters and attitudes toward any adjustments to be able to survive the tests of undesirable circumstances. Deciding how to respond to unrealistic expectations, and the problem people who so often plague the administrator's credibility and integrity has to have founded principles in doing so. According to James A. Davey and Warren Bird on "Handling Expectations", the following are suggested: 1. know yourself - Stripping away the accretions of the years - those layers of expectations others have laid upon us and we have willingly assumed. We should never underestimate the power of others to make us dishonest with ourselves. Change, which is dominant nowadays, is a part of the different strategies implemented to attain the peak of success of any kind of endeavor. However, it doesn't materialize completely until all the concerned people within its scope are prepared and ready most especially for its unexpected consequences. Though change without conflict is rarely possible, there is still much to do to limit conflict and overcome resistance to change. The potential influence of such technology on all aspects of communication is tremendous. As it is apparent in the advances of computer networks, communication satellites, data handling devices, electronic information exchange adapted to convey voice, vision, and graphics as distinct and separate types of communication. Communication, which is the building block of any relationship, plays a major role in the success of any organization aspiring to compete in this competing generation. It serves as a bridge to transport vast excellent inputs and highly competent outputs that marks an organization in gaining respect and prestige. Thus, the problem regarding communication tops the priority list to be addressed. Every individual communicates differently depending on a combination of personal and environmental factors. As such, a Court Administrator needs to learn to communicate at the level of the recipient, since communication is complete only when both parties understand what is being said, and as Peter Drucker puts it, "Enable performers to perform their way - not your way." Since communication plays such central roles in any organization, the key issue is not whether administrators engage in communication or not, but whether administrators communicate effectively or poorly. Communication is unavoidable to an organization's functioning. In other words, people must exchange information. However, to develop shared meaning requires positive efforts by administrator and other participants. Outputs should be made clear, understood, and agreed upon by all as goals and objectives should also be well-communicated and meet certain expectations. Highlighting priorities is equally important, and in the interest of clarity, a job description
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